Well I'm sure by reading my posts you all know how wonderful my mother is. I was complaining about how gross our bathtub is and that I didn't feel comfortable bathing the baby in it. Something is wrong with the drain and it was just dingy. My mom showed up today and began destructing the bathroom! We're going to configure it a little and get a new tub, showerhead, and tile!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Bathroom Remodel
Posted by Kate at 5:11 PM 2 comments
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
Posted by Kate at 7:29 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sophie's First Cold
Posted by Kate at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Posted by Kate at 11:46 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 6, 2009
We blessed Sophie today. Kale did the most wonderful blessing. He was so nervous about it but did great. I am married to the best husband in the whole wide world! Sophie didn't make a peep (phew). We were able to have some of Kale's closest friends, several ward members that we just love, and my dad and Kale's dad stand in the circle. She is the sweetest baby. I can't picture myself doing anything else but being a mother right now! It is the best feeling in the world to look at my special little baby; the love I feel for her and my family is overwhelming! The dress Sophie wore was so special. It was a dress that my mom made for me, and she worked really hard on it, it is simple yet beautiful, and I wore it when I was blessed 23+ years ago! Sophie fit into it and was able to wear it for her blessing. It is so special to me. I plan on keeping a hold of it and Sophie may one day be able to bless her babies in it!
Posted by Kate at 4:00 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 30, 2009
2 months, 5 generation Pictures
Posted by Kate at 8:24 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
8 weeks
Sophie is doing great. She is going to be 8 weeks old tomorrow! She's getting strong and can hold her head up well. She still bobbles around once in a while. She loves to look around too. She hates having a blanket on her face. She hates getting dressed. She doesn't fit in her bathtub hardly at all. Our bath-tub is old and not easily accessible for two people to bath her (and hold onto her).
My mom took Sophie overnight on Saturday night. She brought her back on Sunday morning, and we got her ready, and went to church. It was the Primary program, it was cute. It was fun to show off Sophie to my friends in the ward. I thought it would be important to go since Kale has to bless Sophie next month and he hasn't been since she was born!
Posted by Kate at 8:53 AM 4 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
7 weeks
Kale and I went to the Jazz game last night. I like to people watch and eat. I had a churro and a pretzel, and a couple of Kale's nachos. It was fun to go, they were lower bowl seats. I thought about my baby though, and wished she could have come with us.
Posted by Kate at 7:37 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
6 weeks
Posted by Kate at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
5 Weeks
Posted by Kate at 4:50 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 30, 2009
4 weeks
Sophie was 4 weeks yesterday. We sure do enjoy her! She is so sweet, and she's getting bigger every day. We had her weighed today at our appointment. She is 10 lbs 11 oz (90th percentile) and 22 inches long (85th percentile)! She was so good last night. I had her in our bed and she slept well. She nursed every 4 hours and went back to sleep, no partying. She's had several tummy aches this week. We got some mylicon and gripe water and it seems to work usually.
Today after the appt we went to run an errand. The baby was fussy and so my mom took her out to the car and was going to pull the car up (I was in the line to checkout). I walked out but couldn't find her, so walked to where I parked. My mom told me she was putting the baby in the car and somehow hit the lock button. She didn't realize it until she shut the door. Yep, that's right, the baby was locked in the car. I was in disbelief. My mom called 911, and I called my roadside assistance. The police officer reached us before the locksmith, and they were able to get the door open. It seemed like forever but she was only locked in there for about 10 minutes. She slept the entire time, and only woke up when we got my door open the car alarm went off. Phew! Despite it being stressful (yeah I got a bit emotional) I'm glad everything worked out, my mom definately felt bad. It wasn't her fault it could have happened to anyone, she wasn't familiar with my car (she didn't know the honk meant it was locked). It was partly my fault too because my spare key was in the car instead of in my purse.
Posted by Kate at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
3 Weeks
My sweet baby, smiling in her sleep!
Posted by Kate at 4:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 19, 2009
Doctor's Appointment
Posted by Kate at 5:31 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Our big girl
Posted by Kate at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
2 weeks old
My sweet baby is 2 weeks old today. She's so dang cute, she's laying in her bouncer sleeping next to me. Kale has gone back to work this week. It was so nice to have the time off together. He was getting pretty bored though and was watching way too much TV. My friend Dari came to visit Monday too, and it was really nice to see and visit with her because it gets kinda lonely when Kale's at work.
Posted by Kate at 4:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 8, 2009
1 Week Old
Grandma stayed over the last two nights. I feel bad that she gets sporatic sleep but I think she secretly loves it! She stays on the couch and Sophie just sleeps on her chest or she wraps her like a burrito and they watch TV. Sophie was so good last night! I fed her about 11, and she slept until 3 at which time she ate for almost 30 minutes (a record for her). Then she didn't wake up until 715! My mom headed home and Sophie only slept lightly for about an hour. I was still really tired but Kale took her out on the couch and held her and she slept well. She just loves to snuggle and loves being held. Today after I fed her, my mom talked us into taking Chief for a walk. He loved it, and I survived being away for that 20-30 minute time frame. Kale is sad because he has to go back to work Monday. He's scheduled 4-ten hour shifts each week for the rest of the month. I think it will be hard but I guess life has to resume eventually. I am dreading having to go back to work at the end of November. It will be really hard to leave her, especially for such a long shift. I just really feel so blessed and want to thank heavenly father for giving me such a sweet baby girl. She means everything to me, and I love her more than words can describe.
Posted by Kate at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Sophie is here
Posted by Kate at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
40 weeks
I had my final prenatal appointment today. I asked to not be checked (phew) since I am being induced Thursday morning! Baby measured 8lb 10oz on the ultrasound (third trimester US are known for being off as much as 2 pounds) but the doc felt my belly and said she'd be over 8lbs. I just hope and pray all goes well. It's scary, and I try to be positive and not think of all the 'what if' situations. I'll definately try to post some pictures that evening or Friday, so check back!
Posted by Kate at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
38 weeks
I had my weekly appointment today. Kale had to work so it was just my mom and I. US looked good, she said my fluid level has greatly improved. Sophie is measuring about 8 pounds. All of her measurements are very proportionate (head, belly, leg). I got checked and am 2+ cm dilated and 75% effaced. Sophies head is down low but not low enough to push against my cervix. Still no talk of scheduling a day. We'll hopefully find out more at the next appointment about time frames and schedules.
Posted by Kate at 4:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Post op day two
I got to come home last night. I was feeling pretty good all day yesterday but today has been more painful. They gave me some pain medicine in my spinal that lasts 18-24 hours so I think that since it's worn off I'm feeling things more. Plus, it's harder not having the conveniences of the hospital (high toilet seat, automatic bed, the nurse to help). Sophie was really active and it hurts so bad when she kicks; also I can't lay on my right side cause all her weight on that side about kills me! Kale helped me get up and shower today. He is the best husband in the whole wide world.
I have to testify how much I love Kale. He has been so great. He was so worried Monday, it really was a shock to all of us. He and a coworker from the pharmacy were able to give me a blessing and it was really neat. He has helped me and taken such good care of me. He has helped me move around - get up and lay, he brings me things I need, he went to the pharmacy this morning and got my medicine, and he has just been so sweet and loving! It makes me emotional and I just love him so much.
Posted by Kate at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Nothing like emergency surgery to start off my week
I was having a good week since the last appointment. Monday morning I woke up with a side ache at about 730. I thought it was either round ligament pain or gas. It felt like a side ache from running. I got ready and went to my class. It wasn't getting any better, so I called my mom and let her know, and just figured I'd drink some water and keep an eye on it. By about 9 am the pain was so bad I was nauseated and sweating. It was constant... nothing I could do would relieve it. I couldn't leave my class because it was mandatory. I waited it out until the class was over at 11. By now I had talked to my mom and she was on her way up to get me and we were going to just go to the doctor's office. We got there at about 1130 and the doctor was really behind but they wanted to do some labs and a non-stress test to monitor the baby. Baby was fine. We saw the doctor about 130p. She did an US and right off saw that the ovarian cyst I have had (the whole pregnancy) was bigger, and for some reason that ovary that the cyst was on had no blood flow. She stepped out to consult with one of the other docs, came in, and told me it was a surgical emergency and sent me to the hospital. I got to the hospital about 2:45, got check in and prepped for the OR. They had a really hard time finding a vein. The nurse tried twice and then she had to call the anesthesiologist who got it on his second try. So I couldn't have any pain meds until the IV was started. I felt so nauseated and painful. They wheeled me to the OR once I got the IV access, and I got a spinal (similar to an epidural). What a weird feeling to be numb like that. It was crazy! They unfortunately couldn't do anything laproscopically because I was too far along, so they had to do an open incision. They started the surgery at 411pm and ended at 456pm. I had to wait in recovery for about an hour and got back to my room where family was waiting.
Today, day two, I'm doing ok. My IV is out and I'm on oral pain medication. My catheter is out and I've tried to walk alot. The doc wanted to keep me until Thursday but I'm really trying to head home today because of our no insurance situation. I'm trying not to stress about that...
Sophie is fine, she's been fine the whole time the little stinker! 7 weeks to go...
Posted by Kate at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
32 weeks
We had a baby appointment yesterday. It was an evening appointment. It was really good to see my doc, I really like her and she is so wonderful! My blood pressure wasn't too bad, I've gained a total of 29 pounds (eek!) compared to my pre-pregnancy weight, and we had an US. We couldn't record it on our DVD like usual because their machines weren't working. She measured my fluid, which was still on the low side but adequate for the time being. My placenta was about the same, still calcifications but the baby is getting everything she needs. She measured 4lbs exactly. So I measured at 32 weeks which moved my due date to Sept 29, 2009. It was funny because Kale and I were talking about wanting her to come on that day last week (9-29-09). I was scheduled to work two more graveyard shifts for my RN orientation. I worked one last week, and it was really hard. She wrote me a note for my work: No graveyards.
My mom and I ran some errands today. We got some things for the baby shower. She's enlisted several of her friends to help. It's an open-house shower, and I am really excited-it sounds like it's going to be really fun! It is going to be the evening of September 10th at my mom's house, so mark it on your calendars! I'll be 37 weeks.
During the US you could see her sucking and moving her tongue around, it was cute. She is still head-down, hopefully for good! Her head measures right on, her belly measures a little behind, and her legs measure really long (almost a week ahead).
Posted by Kate at 6:12 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
30 Weeks
She's measuring right on schedule. She's 3lbs 1oz. My doctor said her fluid was a little on the low side of normal so she is going to have me start following up every 2 weeks to keep an eye on that. She said she'll probably have to induce me early (not sure when exactly) because my placenta was showing some calcifications. She said it's not uncommon but also something to watch. I have a new ovarian cyst too. It hasn't been painful or anything though. I also found out Sophie finally flipped over and is head down now. I hope she stays that way.
Posted by Kate at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Kale and my mom both worked so I went to my baby appointment Thursday alone. I was at work and couldn't get it off, so I had to sneak away and felt really bad leaving. I called before I went and the office said she was on time, but of course she's half an hour behind ten minutes later when I get there. I had to take my glucose test. I love my OB's office, they don't make me drink that icky flat orange drink. I was able to eat a candy bar and a soda an hour before. I passed my glucose test at 95 (anything below 135 is passing) and my Iron was 12.2 (normal 12-18). My BP was ok, lowest it's been in a while I think, 132/80. She did a really short US, mostly looking at the placenta and umbilical cord. It showed a good amount of fluid and the placenta had good blood flow. On the DVD you can see Sophie swallowing and her tongue moving around! It was cool.
*Here are the stats: HR 133, weight 2lbs, all of her measurements (head, abd, femur) measuring right on for Oct 1st still! 13 weeks and 5 days to go!
Posted by Kate at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Kale and I took our endownments out on Thursday. My escort was my Mom and Kale's was our temple class teacher, Brother Garlick. Being there was wonderful, the temple was beautiful, and I felt very peaceful. We were there for just over 3 hours but it didn't seem long at all. I had the sweetest temple worker that was assigned to help me. I loved her, she was such a sweet little lady. I can't wait to be sealed Tuesday. I am so grateful for the temple and the blessings and peacefulness it brings.
I've just been hanging out, organizing Sophie's drawers, cleaning, watching TV. A lady at work said that her sister was going through some baby clothes, so I was able to go over there today and I got two boxes full of baby clothes and a sack full of bottles for $35 bucks. The lady happened to have twins so I seperated the double outfits and have them listed in the classifieds to hopefully make back some of the money I paid. The clothes are all very very cute and well taken care of! Now we are all set for 0-6 months. I'll keep an eye out for 6-12, and 12+ but we won't need those right away. It rained a lot here, which is great for our grass. It looks like it's doing well, I love having our yard!
Sophie is doing good. I feel her kick several times a day usually. We're excited for our appointment next week. I'm just over 25 weeks today, which almost puts me in the third trimester. The closer it gets, the more excited I get. It will be nice to have a baby in my arms instead of in my belly!
I took my RN boards Tuesday. I had not prepared at all, and pretty much since school has been out I tried to ignore the fact I had to take that test. I had to be there at 8am. I was trying not to be nervous about it. The minimum number of questions is 75 and the maximum is 265. A certain number of people get all 265 despite how well they are doing. I was hoping that wasn't me! You have 5 hours to do the test. Basically how it works is it starts you out at a certain level of difficulty, and if you answer those correct it slowly raises in difficulty until you get a certain percent right and then the test stops. If you get them wrong, the questions get easier, and you have to do more and more. Most of my friends had gotten near the minimum so when question 75 came and went my heart dropped... luckily after question 79 the test shut off and I was done! I felt surprisingly better after the test than I did with my LPN test. I found out the next night I had passed, thank heavens.
Posted by Kate at 6:53 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Target Ultrasound
We had our big Target Ultrasound on Monday. It is the ultrasound where they check out all the organs and get accurate measurements of head, abdomen, femur, and where they usually give a 100% gender. Of course when I checked in they were 40 minutes behind (story of my appointments...). We finally got called back and started the ultrasound. First off, the tech said do you feel that-you're having a contraction? I could see the twitching on the screen (I could feel it, I've been feeling them for weeks). It was weird/cool to see. We were able to see the four chambers of the heart, a bubble in her belly (meaning she's swallowing and moving fluid through), and her labia! She remains a girl! Her head, femur and abdomen measured consistent with my gestational week and all within normal range. She weighs 1 pound 4 ounces. My due date is measuring between Oct 1 and Oct 6. The tech said that they don't give a specific date but rather a range. The tech did the 3D/4D and we got to see some neat pictures of her face. She has both hands up so it made it very hard and time consuming to get a few good pictures! They had to wiggle my belly a lot to get a picture without both hands in front of her face. My next appointment is in several weeks, hopefully all remains well until then.
^ shows gender
Posted by Kate at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Our Future Lawn
My dad borrowed a neighbor's tractor so he could come till the rest of the backyard and get it ready for sod! It's pretty dusty right now, but all the icky weeds are gone and we have a lot left to get ready but it will be wonderful to have all grass. I have been un-invited to help because I'm pregnant. My mom is going to come over with her landscaping rake and get it as level as possible. Then we're going to get a load on Monday and the second part of the load Tuesday. We have to go by my mom's schedule since she's the brains and the braun of the whole operation. Our trailer is only rated to have two full pallets, that's why we're making two trips. I'm sure I'll post pics later of how it goes.
Posted by Kate at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
Posted by Kate at 2:32 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
The stem fell off...
At 12 weeks the doctor made no promises but thought she may see a stem on the apple; she made the disclaimer clear that it was just too early to tell. Kale was really excited, and I was glad baby was healthy but wanted a girl first (we're such good babysitters and helpers).
So we had our 16 week appt yesterday. It's a girl! My official due date was changed to Oct 3 2009. Kale and I have the name picked out: Sophie Anna Bettolo. I lucked out and was able to get an external ultrasound. The doctor looked... for a long time. The baby had knees together and hand cupped over the "parts." My mom made the comment "He sure is modest" to Kale. By this time we still had no idea what gender. Then the doctor was like.... oop! There is the hamburger! She said she is 99.9% sure it's a girl. She had to wiggle my belly a lot to get a good view but she finally got one. I looked over at Kale and I thought for sure he was going to cry, he looked devastated. My mom was really sad too, she said it was all she could do to keep from crying. They both admitted later it's not that they don't want a girl, they were just set on the idea of a boy because of the previous appt.
So the doc measured her leg and her head. Her head must be huge cause it's measuring 16wks3days while the rest of her is measuring 15wks5days. She weighs only 5oz right now.
Kale had to go to work after the appointment. My mom and I ran some more errands. It was my sisters birthday yesterday! We got her a couple things, and stopped at the DI. I like that store because if you take the time to look you can find some cute things. We looked through all the baby clothes and found some darling baby jeans and a ton of almost perfect condition sleeper sacks/pjs. It was fun. We went to chuck-a-rama for my sister's birthday dinner, and luckily this time around I was able to keep it down. My mom showed me a blessing dress that I wore when I was blessed as a new baby. She made it too! It was so precious! I am totally going to use it for when Kale blesses Sophie. We also looked through some more clothes my mom kept that I wore. It was fun. Then my mom helped me clean my house really good (dust, vacuum) and we moved a piece of furniture out of Sophie's room-to-be. She helped me do all my laundry. She is the best mom ever. I don't know what I'd do without her. Kale got home a little before 11 and has seemed to recover from the earlier trauma.
Posted by Kate at 9:10 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 27, 2009
Now that Kale and I are far enough along, we feel comfortable announcing to our family and close friends that we are PREGNANT! We had our first appt yesterday and it went well. We had an US and got to hear the babies heartbeat. My due date is anywhere from Sept 26 to Oct 4.
I have been sick... I mean on my deathbed sick. I get the most sick at night. My usual day goes something like this: wake up feeling a little nauseated and shaky, able to eat some cereal or applesauce; lunch comes and sometimes I can eat some mashed potatoes - other times just crackers. By the time 5 comes my nausea is so bad I stay near the bathroom. I usually puke 2-3 times a night: usually between 7 and midnight but several times in the last two weeks I've woken up at 3am to puke. Occasionally I can eat some Ramen noodles for dinner or even just a few sips of gatorade. It's not been fun, that's for sure. At my appt the doctor offered me an anti-nausea medication which I informed her I have already tried with no relief. So she gave me B6 and B12 shots and said they may help with the nausea.
Well I thought it would take several months to become pregnant (by which time I would have graduated and would have health insurance). Since it didn't, and we dont qualify for any government assistance (losercaide) we will be self-pay. Fun, but you do what you gotta do. I think both Kale and I have come to terms with it quite easily and have been saving everything we can so far.
Kale of course wants a boy - just to feel manly I think, and I'd rather have a girl first because the oldest has to usually help around the house with chores and other kids and stuff... I am the oldest... it's a big job!
My little parasite
Posted by Kate at 11:51 AM 0 comments