Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Kale

Happy Birthday Kale! He worked all day (and said his work-day was one of his worst ever) and came home to an empty house (I had to do a presentation thing at enrichement night). But I came home and grilled him some awesome filet mingnon's from Costco, and we opened presents. Then I had to run back to enrichment night to pick up my stuff, came home to a hungry screaming baby who I promptly tended too, then my mom came over and we all sung Happy Birthday and opened a few more presents. I wish I could have been able to spend more time tonight with him, but I have a few things up my sleeve this weekend :) (we both have Saturday off)

Sophie, Daddy, and birthday steak

My happy Pebbles
haha our family photo... equiped with lazy dog and all!
Loved the wrapping paper
Got it taken away after she tried to eat it and was almost successful...


Camille said...

Yay, I can see your blog!! I'm glad you had a fun night even though we stole you away for part of his birthday celebration. Hope you have a fun weekend!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to Kale!! I hate Birthdays as adults, they are way less fun when you have to go to work and stuff.

Let me know when you want to go swimming next. We would love to go!