Monday, January 3, 2011


My sweet Grandpa is home, after many trials/tribulations! He went from the hospital to a rehab center and my mom was not happy with the care. It makes me sad to think there are so many elderly people in care centers and that no one is there to advocate for them and make sure they are taken care of. He still needs help getting up and down so someone is staying at his house 24/7. We went to visit yesterday. He LOVES Sophie and she surprisingly lets him hold her. She only lets me, Kale, and my mom hold her so that's pretty good. She was having some BBQ chips :)

She's got two HUGE teeth coming in. Not the canines so they must be molars. Man they have been bothering her too. She is so grumpy and needy. For the past three days she has been a monster! I love her and know she doesn't feel good but I've resorted to bribing her with suckers and having the TV on more than normal so I can keep my household running. Thank heavens for the Beco carrier!

My cousin and I went swimming to the Bountiful pool last week. It was pretty fun. I remembered it being a lot warmer when we went a month or so ago though. We stayed for about and hour and a half. Sophie loves it there. Her favorties are the Lazy River and the shallow section - she just crawls all around in the water and laughs pretty much the entire time! I taught her to hold onto the side by herself, it's super cute!

I can't believe it's already 2011! My new year goals:
*Lose weight (specifically 40lbs) by working out 4-5 days a week for at least 45 minutes and eating smaller portions.
*Pay off Kale's student loan by working 2 extra shifts each month
*Read the BOM as a family by reading at least a chapter every other night
*Build my foodstorage by setting aside a budget and getting something every month


Sierra said...

Great (achievable) goals! I am glad your grandpa is doing better too... such a hard thing to go through :-(

Tanner & Jessica Allen said...

I'm catching up on your blog cause I finally found it and added it! I am such a slacker and have not written down any New Year's Resolutions yet, and yours sound great and so organized! Good for you!