Saturday, April 9, 2011

Birthday week

This has been an eventful week. I have worked way more than my life can handle in the past two weeks... I have a wonderful preceptee student that I couldn't have done it without, she has been a great help. Last week I worked my full-time hours, then attended a Trauma Nursing class for certification (2- ten hour classes). So, I worked Sunday (day 6 of 6) and was glad to have Monday off! My sister, who is getting married in August, asked me to help her look for some wedding things. It was fun to hang out with her and everyone loves to shop, but Sophie was not happy about it! It cut our shopping trip short. Sophie hasn't seemed like she's felt good for a while, and Saturday night she started having liquid stools. She hasn't been eating hardly anything all week, so I just chalked her fussiness up to that. I worked Tuesday and my mom was here. Sophie did ok, my mom ran lots of errands and she seemed to do well. She LOVES the trampoline. Like, she laughs the entire time. She likes to walk around and bounce on it. Her favorite thing is when her daddy does tricks, she just watches and laughs so hard. It's infectious, her laugh makes me laugh. She is so sweet, we are so lucky to have her!

I worked again Wednesday, where I learned that I had been caring for a baby for DAYS that had lice. I was the lucky gal to do his treatment, and upon closer examination found several live louse. My boss caught one and put it in a jar and we named her Lucy. It was probably the grossest day ever, because I had been holding and caring for this baby frequently due to the lack of parents at the bedside, and so I couldn't stop worrying if I would have gotten it, despite precautions we take with every patient.. On my way home, I stopped and got some NIX and did a prophylactic treatment. I washed every single clothing/blanket item I had even gotten close too, vacuumed like a mad-woman, and threw away my pillows. It was not something I looked forward to doing after a long days work.

Back to Sophie: My mom watched Sophie both those days I worked and she thought she seemed really sick and wasn't acting right. She was pooping like crazy and refused to eat anything. I had been giving her probiotics since Saturday but they hadn't been helping. Sophie went to bed that night just before 7 and was acting so tired! Thursday I had the day off! I was exhausted but so glad to have a long weekend off. I couldn't wake Sophie up after several attempts (diaper changes, giving her drinks). She'd sit up, cry a little, then lay back down and go to sleep. I tried to chalk it up to her having a growth spurt or something in combination with not feeling good. I got worried (and emotional) when hour 19 of her sleeping came. I made her wake up, put her in the bath where she just kinda sat there in a daze, half-slumped over and tired. I got her dressed, and headed up to my work. We did vitals which were all fine, and she continued to drink which she had been doing ok at. She did take a few bites of a cracker, which was reassuring. For piece of mind I took her in to a work in visit at her peds office, and they were encouraged she was drinking. By that afternoon she really started to perk up, I was glad, I hate seeing her sick, and it's scary being a nurse knowing WHAT can happen if things continue.

Kale had to have an Echocardiogram Thursday. He had some heart-stuff when he was younger (12?) and got a workup that was ok. Lately though he's had severe exercise intolerance, lots of headaches, and palpitations (that are audible to me when I lay on his chest). The doctor wanted to check everything out, so he ordered an EKG, labs, and an Echo at his last appointment. After the echo, Kale and Sophie went home, and I went to window shop at the mall. I have this weird obsession with earrings. I love them, I love having cute ones to wear to work, and being able to match them to lots of different outfits. I found a bunch of clearance ones and it was the highlight of my day! I got dinosaurs, french-fries, snowflakes, animals, carved roses, and some other super cute ones. I was excited! I also found some capri-sweat pants that I love (the red ones I am wearing below).

Friday was my birthday. I am such a lucky gal! I used my gift certificate my husband got me (for Christmas) and got a massage and pedicure that morning. My mom came over and brought me my present... A cruiser bike with a baby seat! Despite the snow, I just had to take it for a test drive. Sophie adored it. She kept laughing and kicking her little legs. It was so fun. It feels unnatural compared to my road bike, so It's going to take some getting used too. I love the vintage look of it and can't wait for me and Sophie to go biking!

Sophie was so sad when we had to get off!

I was able to catch up on some of my DVR stuff (after two weeks of work I had fallen behind) and hang out. That night we got ready and left Sophie with my mom to go out to dinner. My sister and her fiance came with us. We went to Kobe, one of our favorite places to eat! They have the best fried rice there. We were planning on going to a comedy club so to waste time we went to a few stores. I am in search of some jeans that fit me well, but was unsuccessful in finding any. By the time it came time to go to the comedy club, we realized how tired we both really were (ha we're so lame) and went home instead.

I had a great birthday. I just have to profess my love for my husband and daughter. I am such a lucky woman to have such a great family.


Tanner & Jessica Allen said...

Happy Birthday!! I'm sorry you had such a busy week, but way to handle it and you did so good taking care of your little girl! Fun bike that you got and enjoy your weekend off, you deserve it girl!!

Sierra said...

I'm so sorry things have been rough! I hope it all turns out well. My worst fear is having lice! I would die if I had to cut off my hair (not literally, but you get the idea)

Unknown said...

What a crazy week! I hope you had an awesome birthday. It sounds like it was fun. I love my beach cruiser, they are so much fun and yours is so cute!