Monday, November 28, 2011


Well this month is coming to an end. It feels long, and short at the same time. I have finished 9 credit hours just this month and have 14 to go for my BSN. It's been great to work at my own pace (quickly) and I really like my program. I have tried to be really diligent with eating right and try to work out often. I do feel really stressed out about a few things though, but I'm trying hard to stay a float. I have great support and a wonderful hubby who has been helping out so much more at home so I can work on school.

Sophie is getting so big! She has the cutest smile and I love having days off with her. She is such a busy body though and has so much energy. It's hard when I have things I need to get done with school and all she wants to do is play - I feel guilty that I have to turn the TV on and try to distract her so I can get stuff done. I can't wait to be done with my BSN and not have to go to school, EVER again. Sophie is getting so tall. I haven't measured her but she doesn't fit length-wise in her 2T clothes. She is still a skinny gal. She is a horrible eater - she is so picky. I can count on one hand how many things she'll eat. We keep offering and hopefully she'll grow out of that. Feeding a toddler is so stressful sometimes! We have tried to do fun things each week as a family but we've been lacking. This seemed like a busy month!

I picked up some budgeted hours in the ER, on shift a week which will make me full time. I will work two shifts on Peds and one shift in the ER each week. I am so glad to be 'back' in the ER and loved it so much as a tech. I know that it will be really different but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to apply. I am looking forward to training, which starts the second week of December. Peds busy season will be starting in January (RSV season), so I know my life is going to get about ten-times more hectic.

For Thanksgiving Kale and I had a day off, so we decided to make the most of it and go see his family that lives in Rock Springs. We left Wednesday evening and stayed at his Grandma's house. She got Sophie a little surprise - some really fun building blocks and a cute little Zhu-Zhu pet (Sophie LOVES that thing). We hung out there for most of Thanksgiving morning. It is always so much fun to visit. We wish we could make it up there more. Sophie was a good girl considering the house wasn't really 'baby-proof.' She had a few little meltdowns and missed her nap but did good overall. Kale was having some major vertigo (dizziness) thought and couldn't do anything but lay still with his eyes closed. It made the day hard because Sophie required full attention and I had a paper I had to work on. We went to Kale's Uncle and Aunt's house for Thanksgiving dinner. They have a dog, Oscar, who barked full blast at Sophie. Sophie really loves dogs usually but I think all the commotion from everyone and the barking really got to her and she had a hard time. It was getting to difficult to coop her up in one room, since this home also wasn't baby-proof, so we went back to Kale's grandparents to visit before leaving.

Mama's girl!

Luckily we had the iPad which is always something we rely on to help Keep Sophie busy and entertained no matter where we are!

Kale's Grandma told me her dream was to get a family picture. I didn't even plan on it happening, but surprisingly enough EVERYONE was there, including Kale's Uncle from Denver. I am still shocked it worked out so well and am glad we got one, even if it was impromptu and no one matched :)

Kale has really great Grandparent and we are so lucky we get to visit. They love Sophie so much and it's so fun to hang out with them and hear stories about their lives.

We left for home that night. Sophie fell asleep about 30 minutes from home, which never happens. It's a long drive (2 1/2 hrs one way) but she did really good both times. We were glad to be home, unloaded the car and cleaned up, and went to bed! We both worked the next day so we didn't do any black-friday stuff. We don't really 'NEED' anything anyway. Luckily Kale was feeling better. I worked all weekend and had stressful patients. For a brief moment during my weekend my confidence in my ability was shattered and I just didn't want to be a nurse again. Don't worry though, I feel better and am glad to be a nurse and have a great job that lets my schedule be flexible.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!