Thursday, June 20, 2013


We had a busy week.  We had the cousins come up to hang out.  Kale got them on Sunday while I was at work and they stayed through Thursday.  We did lots of fun things.  A LOT!

Monday we went swimming at North Shore.  It was fun and awesome weather.  The girls loved it!  

Monday night, after a lot of work, we got enough bikes rounded up for everyone and rode around the pond/lake on the Parkway.  It was pretty fun except Eva doesn't have a lot of experience on the bike, so despite having training wheels she took a few tumbles and the ride took longer than expected.  We went around again with Eva on Sophie's ride-behind bike and that was much more enjoyable for her!

Tuesday we went to the movies and ate lots of yummy popcorn.

After the movie we got lunch and then went bowling!  

Sophie liked doing it all by herself and didn't even drop the 8 pound bowling ball on her toe!  ;)

After bowling we went to the trampoline park.  They all love it there and ask to go every time they visit.  I was glad we could go this time!

The favorite is definitely the foam pit.  Sophie did get stuck in there often and I'd have to try to pull her out though.

After the trampolines we went and got haircuts.  This is Sophie's FIRST real haircut (at 3 1/2 years old)!  She held so still and did a great job.  I was surprised at how well it went!

The girls hair all looked so shiny and beautiful!

Wednesday we went to to Sophie's Summer Camp and played at the park after.  We couldn't stay long since I had to work and we had a babysitter coming over though.

Wednesday night Kale took them to the bounce house - the Kangaroo Zoo and they were there almost 2 hours.  Phew, I wish I had their energy!

Thursday we went to LAGOON!  It was a busy morning getting three and a half ready but we finally made it and had a blast there.  

Sophie loves being with her cousins!

Uncle Fig came so we had one adult for one kid and it worked out perfectly to pair up on the rides!

Bom Bora is Sophie's favorite and she picked to ride with Fig so Lex went with Kale.  Lex was such a good sport.  Being the oldest she didn't get to "pick" very many things but she was still always helpful and happy.  She is a good girl!

The girls loved it and we had a lot of fun this week.  It was so nice to have them come up and spend time with us.