Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Gum Surgery

A long time ago, I had braces.  They had to pull a few permanent teeth to "make room" in my small mouth.  When they pulled those teeth, and my other teeth were moved into place, it damaged my gums.  They had receded quite a bit and I have been putting off the surgery to fix them.  I had a consult a while ago and they explained that they took the skin from the roof of my mouth and that it was very painful.  I said I'd rather have my gums recede and my teeth fall out!  Two years ago I learned they had a new way to do it using "regenerated" tissue.  I finally got the time, money, and courage to do the procedure (yesterday). Sabriyyah babysat and Ky was my designated driver.  I had to take a sedative and boy did it work!  I was feeling so tired.  I was glad I wasn't uncomfortable for the procedure though.  They rough-up my gums and then stitch in the new tissue, attaching the connective tissues and all.  It was short and sweet and I came home and went to bed and slept for about 6 hours.  My mouth was swollen and a it throbbed a little bit, but overall it was much better than I expected.  

I had to work the next day and it wasn't fun.  I just took my meds and kept icing my cheek.  

I can only have soft foods but I don't have much of a appetite anyway.  I can't brush or floss the area either.  I have to use this special mouthwash too that makes the area all icky looking.