Monday, April 21, 2014

1 Week Old

The week home has been eventful.  We got home and I was so glad to be in my own bed.  My mom has stayed the night and helped with the nighttime feedings.  The baby nurses great and my mom takes good care of her between feedings.  

Wednesday: I just love holding this sweet baby!  She eats and sleeps like a champ.  I can't get enough of some of the faces she pulls.  She definitely has a 'scowl' down.  We have enjoyed having Grandma stay, and Patty, my doula ;), visiting from California.  

Thursday: We had an appointment today with the pediatrician for a weight check.  She is down to alb 13 oz (52 percentile) and is still 21 inches long (92 percentile).  She has two weeks to get back up to her birth weight.  That shouldn't take long because my milk is coming in and she is a great nurser!  It's pretty rough gather up the family for trips in the car!  I took for granted how easy just having Sophie was.  This sweet baby Emma is such a sweet girl.  I love holding her and being with her.  

Friday: This was our second bath.  Our first attempt wasn't too coordinated.  She is a slippery little thing.  This time we had lots of help and she loved being in the water!  

Saturday: My Mom and Kale were working out in the yard (shocker, I know) and so we took the opportunity to go outside.  I had Sophie in October so it's weird being outside with a new baby!  I walked around the yard to see the things they were fixing and Emma was just happy as a clam.  I love her!

Sunday: I don't know what got into me, but I decided to brave Sacrament meeting.  It was quite the effort to get everyone ready, especially since Kale was extra tired because he had to be up with the baby for an hour last night.  She likes to eat around 3-330 then stays wide awake for a while.  I have yet to successfully get her to sleep anywhere but a) laying on someone b) in the bed spooning me.  She looks so cute in her Easter dress.  She was such a good girl too, and slept the entire time!  I got to just hold and love her.  Today commences our final day of meals and visitors.  We've had lots of visitors this week; I love all my family and friends that are doing such kind acts of service for us like meals and stopping by to celebrate this special girl!

Monday:  My first day "alone" since Kale is back to work.  Boy was last night rough...  She ate every hour from 3am-8am and I was exhausted.  Plus, Sophie got up super early (0650!).  Sophie has been a really good girl though and luckily was willing to watch like 3 movies in a row so I could doze off.  Emma had a HUGE blowout today.  It was the first (of many) and it went all the way up her stomach, her back, down her legs, and there was a puddle in the swing.  It bought her another bath though, which she loved.  

Happy 1 week old Baby!  I love just holding you and seeing your eyes open, which is rare.  You are so sweet and such a mellow girl.  You make us so happy and we are so glad you are here!


Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful little babe!