Saturday, June 14, 2014


It's hard to coordinate 9 people's schedule... but we made it work and planned a (short) camping trip to East canyon.  It was a ton of fun!

So when we got there, there was a tent up and a fire going in our slot.  Normally I wouldn't care but we paid $$ for this campground and the others were full when we lasted checked the reservation!  I was ready for a fight if need be, haha.  The people came and acted dumb and we made them move their stuff out.  The plus side was they already had a pretty good fire started with some nice warm coals.  We were all there except Kale and Jeff, who had to work so they came up a little later.  We had the tents up and the camp set up in no time!  We made scout specials for dinner, my mom's favorite!

The baby and Sophie hung out away from the smoke of the fire.  

We love to eat and had yummy food!  Ky and I had quite the meal plan :)

There was no shortage of people to hold sweet Emma.  (My mom was showing us her muscles in this pic).

We made smokes and read stores and relaxed by the fire!  It was great.

My Dad held Emma for the first time (two months old).

That night was pretty crazy... the campground next to us had their headlights on our tent at like 11pm!  I couldn't sleep anyway.  Emma was in a little bassinet in the tent next to my sleeping bag.  It kept getting colder and colder though.  Then, I heard a huge noise and look out to see a raccoon had gotten into a can of mixed nuts and was pigging out!  I woke up Kylie and Preston, our camp-mates and they went after him, haha!  I had to pee about a million times.  It just kept getting colder and colder and I kept worrying about the baby.  I put her in my sleeping bag but then worried even more.  Finally I ended up in the truck.  I got my mom up at 630 and we talked for a while, then got the camp up and moving and made breakfast.  After hanging out and having breakfast, we packed up and headed down to the reservoir.  Everyone went on the boat to fish except my mom, Ky, me, and Emma.  Sophie had a ton of fun on the boat.  

They didn't have any luck with fish though.  They came back around noon and had lunch, then we headed home.  Although it was short, it was still sweet!