It was nice to have this weekend off! We got a lot done in the yard (garden planted, lawn fertilized, flower beds planted, trees cut for firewood). We also went to RCWilley's yesterday and picked out some new carpet. I am so excited, it is SO SOFT. We may start sleeping in the living room on the floor :) They are coming to measure Wednesday and it's being ordered so hopefully I'll post soon. I am so grateful to have nicer carpet since Sophie will be crawling within the near future I assume.
Still no teeth for my baby girl. She seems a little more comfortable and her gums don't seem as swollen. She still has a lot of congestion, which I think is a combination of teething and the weather. Sophie loves to jump on the tramp with us. I hold her tight and just bounce around, and she giggles and laughs. She also LOVES it when we sing JesusWwants me for a Sunbeam, patty cake, and Give Said the Little Stream. I have been loving my Beco baby carrier but want to try a Mei Tai carrier again. I had one but re-sold it since I loved the Beco and couldn't rationalize having two. But... now I can. I had a $50 credit left over from the Franklin Goose promotion from March so I put it towards a Kozy. I can't wait to get it. I have a hotsling but just don't like it much. Sophie likes to be upright and I don't like the weigh on just one shoulder. Ok... I may be talking in tongues now... babywearing (like cloth diapering) is a world of it's own...
Kale is going to have a busy month. He is picking up an extra shift since school is out in addition to his 5 days a week. I'll be glad when he doesn't do that anymore because I hope to have a fun summer. Last summer I was pregnant so it was pretty low key. I want to travel, do some boating/jet skiing, swim a lot, hike, bike, run/walk, and visit fun places like the zoo, go shopping at the Park City Outlets, and maybe run a 5K or swim part of a triathlon. It all sounds ambitious... I just can't wait for good weather. There is a delicate balance between hot and cold, and it's my favorite time of year...
Sophie is getting so big. I think I say that every post... and everyone always tells you how fast it goes. She's such a big girl. Today I was on the computer at my mom's and my dad was watching a show on TV. Sophie just sat next to me like a big girl, just chillin. It was pretty funny. Lately she's on a weird sleep schedule. She takes such good naps (there was a time when they were cat naps and she was always cranky) but she goes to bed as early as 6 or 7 sometimes. Then she stirs around midnight and sometimes I feed her. I don't mind because sadly I'm usually up... Which also needs to change. My body is on a weird schedule since I have been doing graves! I can't wait to work days.
Sophie's hair is getting so long, it gets tangles in the back from laying down. I have to really brush it in the morning! She must sleep with her head to the right because there is a little patch that is thinned out from rubbing it. I'll have to take a picture, it's pretty funny. The sides and top is growing like a wee though.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Posted by Kate at 11:53 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Lawn Care
Sophie and I mowing the lawn
The weather has been great! We've been outside doing yard work. With a few days off I've been able to mow, weed and plant my flower garden, gotten my vegetable garden ready for planting, and fertilized the lawn. I love my yard and all the foilage. The cherry tree has blossoms, and most all the other trees have little green buds.
Last week after working I started getting a sore throat. I happened to take care of a patient with strep so I was worried I may have that. A few days later my throat felt better but then I came down with allergies/sinus infection. I've been miserable ever since. Sophie has a runny nose and is sneezing, and once in a while she'll get watery eyes. So... she either has allergies or just an irritant... or... it's because she's teething. The poor baby is having a really hard time with her teeth. She has been so fussy and needy, has horrible congestion, and is gnawing at everything. Her gums are swollen and I was letting her chew on a cold washcloth and there was blood. No teeth yet, but gosh I just feel so bad for her. We've been doing motrin/tylenol around the clock, and last night I got some oragel and teething tablets. I have spent the last two days just cuddling her and holding her. My mom always used to say "you're only as happy as your saddest kid' and I believe that now! I feel so bad for her, and just wish *MY* teeth could hurt instead. She's such a happy baby normally, and loves to talk and play and she is so active. She's always been such a great sleeper, especially through the night, but now she'll cry in her sleep and I go in and her eyes are closed but she just looks/sounds so painful. I can't wait for this whole teething business to be over.
Nothing else eventful really. Kale has one more final Thursday and he's done with school until Fall. He's picking up an extra day for the month of May at his pharmacy. It's going to make for a busy month! He has been watching the playoffs and gets to go to the game Friday.
I am just hoping and praying I can get back on days at work. There is an upcoming availability for days this summer. I'm torn because I actually really love the night crew nurses, I like the different atmosphere of the patient care, and I appreciate having independence at night to be able to use my critcal thinking skills. It's just so hard to recover from the shift though, especially having to nurse Sophie and not being able to get a good chunk of rest.
Posted by Kate at 9:17 AM 1 comments
Saturday, April 17, 2010
I haven't blogged for a while (at least for me it's been a while!). So this will just be some random thoughts.
I love love love working nights because it's a total different atmosphere, but I can't wait to get on days again. Here I am, on my night off, not able to sleep. My body is just so backwards. It's hard to not be able to come home and sleep for longer than three or four hours straight (have to wake up to nurse baby).
We got a patient and didn't know they were strep + until I had practically hugged the kid (came in for something unrelated). So naturally, when I woke up 24 hours later with the worst sore throat of my life I thought I had it. I have been absolutely miserable. I haven't slept well, have a headache and tummy ache, and then today with all the wind blowing stuff around I have allergies to top it. My mom talked me into going to see a doc... of course the rapid strep was negative. Oh well, I guess that's a good thing overall, it just doesn't make me FEEL any better.
Sophie is so adorable. She is the sweetest thing in the whole wide world. We've been having trouble with naps lately though, and it's starting to catch up to me. Usually I can lay her down drowsey and she'll go to sleep. Not lately... I have two choices: keep her up because she cries so overall she's more tired and grumpy, or stress out as I go in and check on her in intervals while she cries uncontrollably/hysterically. Neither are win-win. I thought maybe it was a growth spurt or teething, but we're going on week three. It is definately not good and I want to get her back to being able to take good naps. She'll feel better, and I'll feel better. I've been doing some research but most books are focused on sleeping through the night, which she does AWESOME at. It's just the darn naps!
April is my family's birthday month. Me (apr 8) my sister (apr 16) my dad and brother (25 and 26)... it makes for a busy month. We went out to eat last night as a fam to Goodwood BBQ. I wasn't impressed overall and definately wouldn't have chosen to go there, nor will I probably ever go again. It wasn't awful, but it wasn't great.
I can't wait for summer! I want to go swimming all the time with Sophie. I would love to do things like go to the park, the zoo, for hikes, and other fun things. Having Sophie brings on a whole new world of activities! We have a trip planned in June to go to visit my good friend Patty in California. I'm nervous to fly with her, but overall I am excited and can't wait. It will be our first real trip as our new little family.
Posted by Kate at 12:10 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 10, 2010
I usually 'wear' Sophie in my Beco, but thought I'd break out the stroller I got at my baby shower. Sophie thought she was pretty awesome. We went for a walk and got a treat. This is her first stroller ride!
I'm cheap, as many of you may know by my frequent KSL purchases or DI finds. Well, I've been eye-balling some babylegs for some time now, but couldn't fork over the 12 bucks for them, so I made some!
This blog has turned into all about Sophie! Boring for you guys, I know. I just love every opportunity to 'document' about her and what a wonderful girl she is! Plus, we're just two boring adults... go to work, come home, eat and sleep only to do it again! I love only working twice a week so I can spend my days with my sweet baby girl.
We've been working on practicing her drinking from a sippy cup. She'll drink, she just has no interest in holding it herself. Yesterday I set it in front of her and she just put her mouth on the spout and was like "why is nothing coming out mom, I'm frustrated and going to scream until you lift it up for me." I guess these are milestone's she's behind on because she's exclusively breastfed. The fact she has no interest in rolling over is probably attributed to the fact I constantly want to hold and love on her. Hmm... does that make me a bad Mom? She still won't eat anything either. She was doing pretty good with the rice cereal, then I worked a bajillion shifts in a row and she didn't get anything, so now we're back to square one. I was trying to give her some last night and she was like no way! I love her stubborn-ness. She's a girl who knows what she wants in life!
Posted by Kate at 7:12 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Roy Complex
We went swimming again. We were planning on going to Clearfield but apparently they were closed for two hours for swim lessons (news to us). So we went to the Roy complex (ghetto!). In my high school swim team days, Roy was knows for being about a thousand degrees. Not the night we bring our babies! I swear there were ice cubes floating in the pool. Sophie's lips were blue and she was mottled, but she didn't even cry or complain about it being cold! Laura went with us again, my sister (the awesome photographer), and my friend Jen and her three kids. Her baby LOVED the water too, he was splashing like crazy! Jen said I couldn't put her picture on my blog because she was worried about how she looks... My camera died so we didn't get very many.
I CANT WAIT until it's warm enough for outdoor pools to open. Seriously, Sophs and I will be in heaven.
Posted by Kate at 10:00 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Happy 6 months, Sophie!
My sweet baby is 6 months old! She is so sweet, and we love her so much. She got her shots today. She weighs 17lbs 3oz (75th percentile), she is 27in long (95th percentile), and her OFC is 44 (90th percentile). Go Sophie! She nurses about every 3-4 hours during the day and sleeps 8-10 hours at night. She has solids (usually just rice cereal and Breastmilk) once or twice every week. She can sit up for short periods of time alone, and longer with assistance. She doesn't roll onto her belly (she hates her tummy time) but she'll roll all the way up to her side. She can stand alone for a couple minutes! She has her Diva moments, I just chalk that up to being a first time mom. I love spending my days off with her. It was fun to make a little slide show and look back at how far we've come. It seems like so long ago that they flipped her up onto my belly! I have such a great appreciation for my awesome midwife, my wonderful mother, and the best Daddy/Husband in the whole wide world! I am so grateful for my blessings.
Posted by Kate at 1:22 PM 2 comments
Swimming Again
We went Swimming Tuesday. We went when they first open and it was a little chilly. Sophie didn't mind it. She LOVES to swim.
Posted by Kate at 1:16 PM 1 comments