Saturday, April 17, 2010

I haven't blogged for a while (at least for me it's been a while!). So this will just be some random thoughts.

I love love love working nights because it's a total different atmosphere, but I can't wait to get on days again. Here I am, on my night off, not able to sleep. My body is just so backwards. It's hard to not be able to come home and sleep for longer than three or four hours straight (have to wake up to nurse baby).

We got a patient and didn't know they were strep + until I had practically hugged the kid (came in for something unrelated). So naturally, when I woke up 24 hours later with the worst sore throat of my life I thought I had it. I have been absolutely miserable. I haven't slept well, have a headache and tummy ache, and then today with all the wind blowing stuff around I have allergies to top it. My mom talked me into going to see a doc... of course the rapid strep was negative. Oh well, I guess that's a good thing overall, it just doesn't make me FEEL any better.

Sophie is so adorable. She is the sweetest thing in the whole wide world. We've been having trouble with naps lately though, and it's starting to catch up to me. Usually I can lay her down drowsey and she'll go to sleep. Not lately... I have two choices: keep her up because she cries so overall she's more tired and grumpy, or stress out as I go in and check on her in intervals while she cries uncontrollably/hysterically. Neither are win-win. I thought maybe it was a growth spurt or teething, but we're going on week three. It is definately not good and I want to get her back to being able to take good naps. She'll feel better, and I'll feel better. I've been doing some research but most books are focused on sleeping through the night, which she does AWESOME at. It's just the darn naps!

April is my family's birthday month. Me (apr 8) my sister (apr 16) my dad and brother (25 and 26)... it makes for a busy month. We went out to eat last night as a fam to Goodwood BBQ. I wasn't impressed overall and definately wouldn't have chosen to go there, nor will I probably ever go again. It wasn't awful, but it wasn't great.

I can't wait for summer! I want to go swimming all the time with Sophie. I would love to do things like go to the park, the zoo, for hikes, and other fun things. Having Sophie brings on a whole new world of activities! We have a trip planned in June to go to visit my good friend Patty in California. I'm nervous to fly with her, but overall I am excited and can't wait. It will be our first real trip as our new little family.