Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy 6 months, Sophie!

My sweet baby is 6 months old! She is so sweet, and we love her so much. She got her shots today. She weighs 17lbs 3oz (75th percentile), she is 27in long (95th percentile), and her OFC is 44 (90th percentile). Go Sophie! She nurses about every 3-4 hours during the day and sleeps 8-10 hours at night. She has solids (usually just rice cereal and Breastmilk) once or twice every week. She can sit up for short periods of time alone, and longer with assistance. She doesn't roll onto her belly (she hates her tummy time) but she'll roll all the way up to her side. She can stand alone for a couple minutes! She has her Diva moments, I just chalk that up to being a first time mom. I love spending my days off with her. It was fun to make a little slide show and look back at how far we've come. It seems like so long ago that they flipped her up onto my belly! I have such a great appreciation for my awesome midwife, my wonderful mother, and the best Daddy/Husband in the whole wide world! I am so grateful for my blessings.


Unknown said...

I love that slideshow, it is so sweet! They grow so fast!!

Momma Jello said...

I know how you feel. Your little girl gets cuter and cuter everyday!