Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Here are a few more pictures from the recent Albion Basin adventure. These are not the professional's pictures, they are just some we took after. I love my baby girl!

Here is a picture from our hike, look how pretty it is up there!

Bootcamp ended for me on Friday August 6. In the four weeks of the bootcamp I was able to lose a total of 10lbs, and 14 inches overall; the most significant were: 3 inches in my chest, 4 in my waist, 2 in my hips. It was really great and I have missed the intense workouts since I stopped, believe it or not! I wish I had the money to do it more often. I have survived two weddings so now will be able to focus more on working out. I have continued to do well with staying under my calorie budget, but working out has not gone so well. I have done little things, but not the intense workouts I was doing and not every day. It's kind of a bummer, but I've lost about 3 more pounds since I stopped bootcamp, so I hope it continues to go down. I love the app: myfitnesspal and log all my food intake and workouts there to keep track. It is so helpful.

I am so sad the summer is almost over! Time has flown by and there is still so much I would love to do. This fall Kale will be working full time, plus picking up a few shifts at his on-call job. I will be working 3/4 full time. We are thinking about putting Sophie into a day of daycare to help acclimate her to others. She's got some pretty good stranger-danger anxiety. It's just that much more of an expense so we are trying to decide what to do. She still can't be left alone in nursery or she screams, ha! That girl is strong-willed... wonder where she got that from :)