Monday, August 1, 2011

Chees-ey Fingers

Oh man, I love my Sophs. This girl loves doritos, pizza, and dried blueberries. I'm pretty sure those are her current favorite foods. She is getting so big and looks more grown up each day I get her out of her bed! She is saying so many more words, it surprises me sometimes! She is so tall, and long and lean. She loves swimming, the bath tub, and watching TV, ha! She loves her Mama and still has some major stranger anxiety! She is starting the tantrum/hitting phase. At home it's easy, I just ignore it, but out and about it's a bit embarrassing. I think that's half the reason we've just stayed home lately. After assaulting several children at various activities lately, I have become intolerant of her un-predictable-ness and would rather just deal with it at home. She is such a sweet girl though, and I love her smile and her kisses and cuddling! She is so smart and I see the wheels going a million miles an hour in her head. Her hair is still so long, and getting so thick. It's getting lighter too. Her eyes are still so blue, and I see lots of variations in them. I can't believe she'll be two soon, it blows me away to think that time has gone by so fast. I love her so much, and want to enjoy her for several more years before we add another little one to our family. I can't imagine having two, phew, it makes me tired just thinking about it.

I had so much energy at the beginning of the summer and were trying to go out and do something fun 3-4 times a week. Know we're back to our winter routine: watching a lot of TV (horrible, I know). Life has felt very very busy lately. Hopefully after my sibling's two upcoming weddings my life will be easier. I'm not even getting married and feel super stressed. My sister gets married Saturday and my brother on the 11th, they both take out their endowments Thursday, I have two major doctor appointments, and we are moving my brother in his condo and my Aunt in my old FW house. My house is currently a mess. I feel slightly burnt out from bootcamp; this is my last week so I'm trying to make it count and plan on going twice a day. I have lost 6 lbs so far since I started and feel a lot better. I hope I can keep it up after this session is over. I plan on doing it again in a few months around the holidays to stay in shape. I am still calorie counting and trying to eat healthy choices and lots of proteins.

The summer has gone by so fast, it's very sad. There are so many things I still want to do as a family. Oh well, maybe next summer!