Monday, October 14, 2013

Make Up

It's a new week, and hopefully a better week than the last one.  I am 14 weeks today.  We tried to go for a walk.  I didn't get too far before I thought I was going to lay down and pass out on the sidewalk.  It was nice to get out of the house and do something with Sophie.  I had better intentions of being active this pregnancy but it's physically and mentally not even been possible.

I just love Sophie.  She has been such a trooper through this all.  She has had to be pretty independent.  Today I laid down most of the day.  Sophie likes to watch movies and play downstairs and I stay upstairs by the bathroom.  Sophie was oddly quiet so when I called out to her she came in looking like this!  

She had found her pretend makeup, ha!  She is so silly.