Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Sophie loves her preschool.  I had cold feet and thought she might not be ready and we almost skipped it this year, but I am glad we stuck out the first few times and have now gotten into a routine.  She loves her two teachers and all her friends.  She likes doing activities and crafts there.  She is very stubborn and refuses to write/trace the letters she is supposed to.  I don't push it too much at home because I don't want her to hate it.  She has shown a lot more interest in reading too, which is great.  We love reading stories to her.

She is so independent!  She always wants me to just drop her off and let her walk in by herself.  I lurk until I know she's in safe.  She has a little backpack and loves to show me her projects when she gets home.  It's two days a week which is perfect!  We are so glad she loves it.  She made a hippo hand-puppet last week and had to sleep with it she loved it so much!  She cracks me up.  She is such a big girl.