Wednesday, September 24, 2014


If you've followed us on the blog you may remember last year we tried a ballet class.  It was kind of a disaster.  Sophie was exceptionally stubborn and naughty.  She'd be excited to go, but once she;d get there she didn't' want to participate often.  Needless to say, we stopped going after about half the classes.

Well, fast forward to now.  Sophie has been asking to go to ballet class all summer.  I thought we'd try a different avenue and do tumbling.  I didn't even know but a lady in my neighborhood owns a tumbling gym and does lessons for the little ones.  How awesome is that.  Sophie started in an older class but it was crowded and she had a hard time with the over stimulus of it all.  So... we tried a smaller class with two teachers and she has done so great.  She loves it and is always trying to practice at home... on the couch!

They do back rolls, summersaults, and are learning handstands and cartwheels.  She loves going to tumbling!