Sophie turned 5! What a big day! We made sure we did lots of things today. Kale had work off so it was fun. We went to the doctor and the dentist. She loves the dentist! She does great there. We went to Toys R Us and let her pic a present with birthday money her Great Grandma and Great Aunt/Uncle sent her. She picked some Frozen Barbies and a little dog that zooms around the floor, barks, shakes his tail, and "begs." Sophie loves stuffed animals. She has WAY too many. I swore I wouldn't be that mom, but I am!
Sophie loves her preschool. She has some hard days getting a long but is getting much better. Her teacher is great and Sophie likes her a lot. Sophie loves tracing and writing letters. Often times I'll see her writing letters out in the air with her finger even! She loves doing little worksheets from preschool work books. She especially loves going on field trips. We went to a petting zoo last month and we are doing a pumpkin themed field trip this month. Sophie is very tall for her age! Everyone comments on that, but look at her parents! She still has long thick hair and beautiful blue eyes. She always wants to get her hair cut and I never understood why until just recently--it because her long hair is prone to snarls! She loves playing outside. I wish I had more energy to play out there with her. She loves the trampoline, swing/slide, riding scooter/bike, and drawing with sidewalk chalk.
Sophie is such a good listener. She remembers everything you ever say. She has been having some times lately where she gets "mad" and loses her temper. She is also pretty sensitive/emotional about everything and anything which is nothing new. She loves Monster High, Halloween songs, dinosaurs, dolls, and barbies. She loves watching movies and playing with the iPad. She loves working on arts and crafts. She is still a picky eater and her favorite foods are: "banilla" ice cream, fresh snap peas (without the pods), scrambled eggs, gogurt, apples, and then fast foods like McDonalds breakfast pancakes, McDonalds French Fries, corn dogs, and pizza. She loves snack foods too like chips, crackers, marshmallows, and fruit snacks. That's about it! It gets to be challenging to feed her sometimes. At her appointment we learned her iron is low so we are going to start some special vitamins.
Sophie loves being social. She has really come out of her shell! She loves saying hi and talking to people. She loves hanging out with her Grandma (who babysits when I work) and always has fun. She is excited for her new baby cousin due in April, who she has affectionately named Mittens.
She is a good girl and we are so blessed to have her in our family. Here are some pictures from the big day today!
First we had breakfast with Grandma at Jeremiah's.... mmm! Then we headed to the dentist. Grandma bought her this cute fox at Jeremiah's.

We hung out at home until it was time for the doctor's office. She was so worried she would have to get a shot! She was crying before we got there. So naturally she was glad when she didn't have to get any shots. They did prick her finger to check her iron levels and that was pretty traumatic.
Next Stop: Toy shopping with her birthday money! Thanks Bettolo Great Grandparents and Aunt S&E!
Sophie loves pizza and fish tanks. So... we went to Kale's favorite pizza place! Sophie just usually eats the pepperoni's off the pizza and Kale likes cheese pizza so it works out pretty good.
Sophie wanted a minion party and specifically requested a "purple minion" cake. I was pretty worried at first because I couldn't find anything like that, but luckily Kale works with a TALENTED lady who MADE this cake. It was awesome, and Sophie was so excited! She kept taking bites out of the fondant!
Her favorite present was this HUGE dinosaur her Grandma SueAnn got her (at a yardsale, score!). It is interactive, it growls, eats a leaf, turns and twists its head, plays music, and kids can sit on it and bounce. It was a huge hit... she loved it! Another favorite was a hulu hup. Sophie was pretty dang good at it!
Happy Birthday Big Girl!