Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter, Happy Birthday!

April is here and going going going already. We had a good Easter. It was my birthday, AND I had to work. They make holidays really fair in healthcare. We're always open and they try to rotate everyone through so you don't work the same holiday all the time. Since I am working full-time and shared between two departments, I have to do at least two Spring/Summer holidays for Peds (Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, July 24th, and Halloween), and two for ER (Easter and Labor Day). So I end up working A LOT of holidays! It usually works out good though because Kale has them off so less babysitting. I am lucky to be a nurse and work 12-hour days. It means I'm home more and makes childcare a little easier. 12-hour shifts are long and can be hard physically and mentally though, and it takes me time to recover from working them in a row.

After I got off work, we all took a nap! (Best part of the day). When we got up, we saw the presents the Easter bunny had left for Sophie! She got a new bouncy ball, a bubble-blowing lawn mower, and some dinosaurs. She loves dinosaurs so much, I'm sure the Easer bunny saw these and knew she had to have them.

Kale made pancakes for me, and we spent time outside and took a long walk around the neighborhood. Kale gave me a digital picture frame for my birthday, and my mom gave me birthday money and some new scrubs. I LOVE scrubs and it's fun to get new pairs. Thanks everyone who made my birthday special, and Happy Easter!


Tanner & Jessica Allen said...

Happy Birthday Kate! I'm sorry you had to spend it at work, hopefully it was a good day! Such cute pics of Sophie for Easter/on the horses! You totally inspire me to take my boys places and do lots of things with them as you do so much with Sophie! I even ran into Holly the other day and told her I want to take my boys swimming because I knew you took Sophie to the pool when she was young (although I need someone else to hold another baby). Way to go! I also just remembered your comment about baby carriers on my blog, and I need to start looking into some. I looked at that website and will let you know what I decide, but thanks sooo much!!!