Thursday, September 20, 2012

Date Night: Ghost Tour

Our date night this month was from a groupon I got back in February.  It was for a ghost tour in Salt Lake City.  We were actually running late and weren't sure if we would even make it in time - especially because parking in Salt Lake can be difficult.  We left right when Kale got home and met our friends, Drew and Mary in Salt Lake.  We got on the tour bus and were trying not to laugh too much at our very good actors (aka tour guides).

I will say that this date night was very different and so it was fun.  The tour was pretty cheesy and I felt that the guides kept making Jabs at "Mormons" throughout the tour.  Of course, we were the only LDS members (I can only assume) and everyone else would laugh or have something else to say - and sometimes the things they were saying were more of a stereotype instead of factual.  I ALMOST said something about it but didn't.  So besides that kind of bothering me, the tour was really fun.  It would drive to different locations and we'd get out and walk around the building (unfortunately we couldn't really go inside anywhere).  The tour guides would tell us stories about the buildings and how they were haunted, ect.  After the tour Drew and Mary treated us to a caramel apple from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and it was DELICIOUS!  Thank you guys!