Saturday, July 20, 2013

Midnight Run

I like to sign up for a 10K or two each summer.  It usually motivates me to run/workout because I have something to look forward too.  That didn't work for me this summer as I was running heavily at the beginning but have only run twice in the last 2 months!

My sister, her BFF, and my cousin's daughter and I all signed up for the Legacy Midnight Run.  My sister and I did one in Ogden last year.  The idea of it is really fun but last year the course was measured incorrectly and it was MUCH longer than it was supposed to be.  So we did the Legacy run this year.

We got all decked out in our glow-stick attire and waited for the race to start.  It was so much fun and we were all looking forward to it.

My sister and I stuck together for about a mile and a half, then I kept running.  I never stopped running, even at the drink stations.  I feel so much more accomplished if I don't walk.  As I was going, I felt like the race was feeling longer and thought maybe on the way back they had a different way to route us.  I got a pretty bad belly ache near the end too.  I just had surgery Monday so I haven't really eaten anything all week but scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, and milk shakes.  Turns out, the course was OVER 2 miles longer than it was supposed to be!  

I made it though, phew.  I took 1st in my division (Athena) and 6th in my age group.  It was pretty fun and my 10K time was 1:03 which was better than last year (that's my fastest average for the entire event).  Ky did awesome and kept a steady pace.  Nina finished even though she had one of the worst charley-horses I have ever seen for the last mile.  Sabriyyah was so awesome and even though she hadn't even prepared at all, she was able to keep about a 13 min/mi pace.  We all did awesome, woohoo!