Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Post op day two

I got to come home last night. I was feeling pretty good all day yesterday but today has been more painful. They gave me some pain medicine in my spinal that lasts 18-24 hours so I think that since it's worn off I'm feeling things more. Plus, it's harder not having the conveniences of the hospital (high toilet seat, automatic bed, the nurse to help). Sophie was really active and it hurts so bad when she kicks; also I can't lay on my right side cause all her weight on that side about kills me! Kale helped me get up and shower today. He is the best husband in the whole wide world.

I have to testify how much I love Kale. He has been so great. He was so worried Monday, it really was a shock to all of us. He and a coworker from the pharmacy were able to give me a blessing and it was really neat. He has helped me and taken such good care of me. He has helped me move around - get up and lay, he brings me things I need, he went to the pharmacy this morning and got my medicine, and he has just been so sweet and loving! It makes me emotional and I just love him so much.