What a fun day! We woke up around 8 and Kale made waffles, one of Sophie's Favorites! We ate and hung around. Kale got a haircut, and then I went to run some errands (cake, balloons). My Mom brought the goat and kittens over first. Her friend from work had them and was so nice to have them over for the party. The goat was adorable. His name was LeBron and he was pretty friendly. He was really nervous I think and had a lot to say at first. Sophie loved hearing him baa and petting him.

There were four little kittens. Man they are so cute! They are just little fur-balls. Two were kind of mean and would hiss at you when you'd go to pet them.

Sophie went down for a nap. I was worried she wouldn't nap because she was so excited about the animals but she did. We finished getting everything ready and Sophie got up just in time for a bath and to wear her outfit. I am not a sew-er at all. I know basic stuff. I tried making a pillow case dress but it was huge on her. I tried to troubleshoot and quickly fix it, and it basically ruined it, so I had to re-cut everything smaller and start over. It was quite the ordeal. I have been working on it all week and it was finally ok and she looked super cute in it. I can't believe she is two, she is such a blessing in our lives and I just LOVE her so much!
The horse, Pedro, came over and we saddled him up. He was really pre-occupied with the cows in the next field and kept whinnying at them. The kids thought that was pretty cool. Sophie didn't' want to ride him but loved to pet him.

We had chips, hot dogs, and water/squeeze its! I had a lady on etsy design our invitation and water bottle wraps to match. MMM, it was so much fun!
My Dad is so cute. We just pawned off a kitten to him. I was glad he came. He is such a hard worker and always has lots of other projects going on so I know it was a big deal to skip out on his Saturday work to come help at the party and bring the horse. He is the best Dad and Grandpa!
I made some favor bags: kitty, piggy, cow, rooster, and horse!
We tried to go all-out with the animals. We had animal balloons, animal decorations, plates, water bottle wrappers, and favors! It was fun planning it all out.
Well we fell in love with this kitten that Kale named Gus. He is such a cute little fur-ball. We decided we wanted to have him stay at our house for a little bit so we can decide if he'll be a good fit for our family. He is super cute and so nice. I have allergies so I am unsure of if it will bother me. The great thing about it is that if we need to, we can just take him back up to the barn where he was born and throw him out there with his siblings/mama. My sister, Kylie and her husband Preston are also keeping another kitty.
The kittens were a big hit. Probably one of the favorites! We had a Grandpa Ferret and some baby chicks, too.

Sophie's little friend, Anna, loved riding the horse! Leila was a good helper and rode with the smaller kiddos to help hold onto them while we gave horse rides. She is a natural!

Their kitty, Larry, named by Kale. Kale loves giving animals weird names that are people names. I am not a supporter, I love funny animal names.
So LeBron wasn't too friendly overall. He wanted attention but wasn't going to hold still and be clobbered. Poor sweet Anna was trying to pet him and then all the sudden he put his head down and rammed into her! We were all laughing because he knocked her down. Poor girl!
Sophie doesn't' like singing lately. Even if we try to sing her favorite songs she gets mad at us for some weird reason. So of course, the cake and singing "Happy Birthday" didn't go over well. One of my friends said "It's her party and she'll cry if she wants too!"
After cake, we opened presents. Sophie got super distracted after opening the first one though! Ha!
It was such a great party, thanks to all the family and friends that came. We are so lucky to have such great friends and family and it meant so much! I love my Sophie so much, I can't believe she is already two years old! She seems so big!
Today she had her 2 year check-up. She is 38% in weight (11.6kg) (up from 19% yay!!!) and 88% in height (35.25 in). She got one shot and the flu mist. She is a happy healthy girl and we are so happy she is in our lives! Happy Birthday to my Sweet Sophie Girl!
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