Sunday, May 26, 2013

End of May

The last two weeks have been great.  We spent lots of time outside while the weather was still good.  We went to three different parks in one week!  We had a blast with our friends at the Riverdale Park.  Sophie loves her Emery and her Kaden.

We got some things done in the yard.  Sophs loved helping me plant some flowers and especially loves to help me water them every day.

Look how big she is!  She is such a sweetie pie.

We flew solo to this park and didn't stay long because Sophie got a case of the grumpies.

She loves tire swings; it's one of her favorite things!

We went to a park in North Ogden too.  It has a huge soccer field I thought she would like.  She did like it until a 5-year old started to bully her and try to take her ball and kick it before she could get to it.  That's one of the first times I felt a really small taste of what having school age kids must be like.  I am not looking forward to teasing/bullying that goes on now days.  

I love Sophie so much.  She loves Primary most days.  It's sometimes hard to get in there, but she always enjoys it and tells me all about singing time and sharing time.  She loves her friends in Primary "Luke and Kate" and her teacher.  

We went for a bike ride together with out new bike and spent some time practicing her scooter skills.  She was wearing her baby on her back, it was adorable.  

It was such nice weather, we are so glad we got to spent lots of time having fun and being outside before it gets too hot!