Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

I had to work today, just a 6 hour shift.  It was a NICE day at work and hardly busy, which was a welcoming change from the past several months.  I got home just in time to throw together a salad and head to a BBQ that the neighbor invited us too.  It was so much fun to hang out with friends and neighbors.  My family never does much so I'm used to have very uneventful holidays/celebrations so it was extra special to get an invite to do something and I loved hanging out and visiting with everyone.  Sophie loved seeing her little friends and all the kids and enjoyed the sandbox and trampoline.  It was such great weather too!

We played some volleyball too, which was awesome.  I love team sports so much.  I am always looking forward to organized play; especially in the ward and stuff.  They say exercise gets your endorphins going to help get you in a good mood, but when I play with friends/team it's like double!  Unfortunately my ward doesn't have a lot of participation with sports but they let me combine with other teams a lot.  I am really interested in trying to sign up with a league this fall for volleyball or basketball with Ogden City.  I hope I can find more out about that.  

Anyways, it was so much fun and we are so grateful the neighbors thought of us!