Monday, March 10, 2014


I am 35 weeks today.  I have put on A LOT of weight this pregnancy.  It was slow at first when I was sick, but my second trimester it went out the window and I gained A LOT.  I hate it.  I know that's why my hips are so sore, and my legs and feet ache and throb - especially when I have to work.  In an effort to not gain a ton more I have been trying to walk more.  Sophie loves it… except now she doesn't want to walk in the stroller - she wants to actually walk.  So… basically it slows me down quite a bit and is more of a leisurely stroll instead of walking for a workout.  Oh well, she's adorable and loves being outside.

I had my midwife appointment last week.  Emma has turned.  She was transverse for a few weeks and I was getting so worried.  I was trying all sorts of funny things I read online to turn her (ice packs to my belly, balancing in funny positions, etc).  Who knows if that's what helped or not, but now she is head down.  PHEW!  She is measuring a few days bigger but other than that, all is going well.

PS Sophie is my stuffed animal hoarder!  I know I've talked about that before but she just loves these little stuffed animals.  If we ever let her pick a surprise or reward her, she just wants one of these little guys.  We are unfortunately up to like 15 of them!  Oh my…