Wednesday, June 18, 2014

2 months!

Emma is two months old, can you believe it!  We love her.  We moved her into her big carseat.  I LOVE it.

Sophie is such a great big sister and Emma just loves her.

She is such a beautiful baby!  Gosh I love her.

We had her two month well child appointment today!  What a big day.  She is 23.6 inches long (88th percentile) and 11lb 5 oz (66th percentile).  That's two whole pounds less than Sophie was at this age, wow!  She did great for her shots and besides taking a long nap, she hasnt been fussy at all.  We love her so much.  She is seriously the BEST baby.  I can't even believe it some days.  She is just happy and so sweet!  She nurses great: she eats every 3-4 hours around the clock.  She loves to be held and cuddled.  She loves being in the bouncer.  She wears size 3 months and size 2 diapers.  She loves bath time.  She sleeps next to me in a rock n play (as of yesterday).  I am so lucky to have this sweet baby in our family.  We are so blessed!