Monday, February 1, 2010

Las Vegas

I love my husband!

Kale and I left our sweet baby and went to Las Vegas with his siblings. They left on Friday morning, but I took a plane and got there Saturday evening. I couldn't leave my baby that long! We saw Mystere, and it was awesome, when I got in on Saturday. I still think, KA is my favorite so far though. It was nice to have a 'date' and Kale was so thoughtful to get those tickets for me for Christmas! It was great! The next day we went in the pool, it was heated :) We hung out and his family watched some sports. Then we went out to eat at Kale's favorite pizza place and walked around the casinos. There was a concert Sunday night (the reason we went) and it was fun, but very hot. We came home this morning. The drive HOME from Vegas is never fun. I was so glad to see my sweet baby. My mom had her and she did great. She blew through my extra breastmilk supply. Luckily I pumped in Vegas so I had some to replace it with. We love her so much! I forgot how blue her eyes are! I really love traveling, and going with his brother and sister was a lot of fun. I kept daydreaming about all the fun places I want to take Sophie. I have always loved when my family went on Vacation, especially when we went to Hawaii before my brother went on his mission, that was a lot of fun. Kale and I are going to try to go to California this summer with Sophie to visit our friend Patty.