Saturday, November 20, 2010

Picture Fail

This week I had to work pretty much every other day (Sunday, Wednesday, Friday). Since it takes half a day to recover from my 13 hour shifts, my week went by too fast unfortunately. Today Kale and I actually had a day off together. We had family pictures planned. I spent the morning cleaning the house, and after I put Sophie down for a nap Kale and I got ready. When she woke up I got her in the bath and got her ready. She was being grumpy, naturally, and it continued through our family pictures! She refused to look at the camera and was fussy almost the entire time! It was slightly frustrating because I have been looking forward to doing some updated family pictures, and it's hard work getting everyone ready! We were going to do them outside but of course the weather sucked. We found somewhere inside but Sophie was so difficult to work with. Our photographer was great : very patient and accomodating! I'm hoping we get a few good ones.

When we came home it was snowing! Sophie was so curious. She kept reaching out to touch the snowflakes. Of course my camera battery died (one of those days) so this is the only picture we got!

Sophie is such a big girl! Her hair is so long. It's starting to get a lot lighter. She loves to bath. Usually when she wakes up we get her in the bath. I worry since she's gone all night without eating so often times I feed her in the tub. Ha Ha weird I know, but she eats really good in there! She's usually in there for an hour! She starts to freak out when she sees the towel to get out. She also has figured out the drain and the faucet. So if I try to drain the water she flips the drain and sits over it so I can't get to it. She also turns the water on. Little stink! She hasn't pooped in the tub for a while, phew, knock on wood!
She's getting to be a better eater. She's not on table foods completely though. She still has baby food purees. I have not been anxious to introduce milk. We've been doing a toddler formula and it's working so well, at this point in my life I hate to mess with something that isn't broken. She loves to self feed. She likes toast, any roast beef or ham, yogurt, chips, tortillas, string cheese, and tonight we found out she loves enchiladas!
She's always been a butt-scooter. About a week and a half ago she was acting like she'd maybe crawl but she'd fall flat on her belly. Well once day she just started crawling! She's still working on it, but it has made life a bit harder because I worry about all our stairs (the gate wont fit because the way the railing is) and stuff around the house. I THOUGHT it was babyproofed but she's definitely pointed out things to watch!
I haven't ever made Thanksgiving dinner but this year I am! I have no clue what to do but plan on calling my Dad and getting the lowdown! Lee's was having an awesome sale on a few canned things I use in most recipes, so I got my turkey then.
I finished up our extended family Christmas shopping this week. It actually seemed pretty easy. I just went to a store that had it all! I've got everything ready to wrap. I refuse to decorate until after Thanksgiving though. We are a real-tree family all the way so I usually try to wait until December to get the tree. LOVE the way a real tree smells and looks!