Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

I was at work on Christmas day when I got a call from my mom. My Grandpa had fallen on Christmas Eve and was down all night. He said he got up, felt dizzy and fell. He tried to get up all night long but couldn't. He had pulled the cushions off the couch, knocked over the table, chairs, and other furniture, crawled into the kitchen and there were drawers pulled out. He did everything he could but was disoriented and it was dark, and he was too weak to get up. We finally found him (my brother) Christmas around noon. My brother, dad, and cousin helped get him ready and brought him into the ER. I was really emotional and felt helpless and sad that I was at work. He luckily didn't break anything but was black and blue all over, had some rug burn on his elbows, and cracked some ribs. He was admitted to the hospital (where he still is). He had a rough first night, the nurses wouldn't help him get up to the bathroom and didn't put his CPAP machine on him. When I came to work I checked on him and he was in a soaking wet brief and sheets and really tired and weak (from not having good oxygen all night). I was mad/sad that he was being treated like that. The day got better, we had family come up and help him shower. No more briefs, he had help getting to the bathroom. He's doing ok. He's had fevers and is developing pnuemonia. He has a lot of secretions and tonight he choked on his dinner and they think he may have aspirated (breathed in his food). They had to call respiratory and the physician, ordered a chest xray, and some respiratory treatments. It's really hard to see him like that, and it makes me really sad. I know he misses my Grandma a lot and I think he's been ready to see her for a while now, but it doesn't make it any easier. I don't know what will happen, but I love him and it hurts to see him so dependent and weak.
Because of that, we didn't get to have Christmas on Christmas. We were able to open a few presents at my parent's house but Sophie didn't last long and was in bed before my little family could do Christmas. I worked the next day and it was really hard being there - I just wanted to be home and I felt stressed. We were able to do Christmas that night. I had today off. I put away Christmas decorations and cleaned the house. I have to work the next two days and am just not feeling up to it.

On a lighter note, I love my baby so much. She got spoiled this Christmas! She got some hair clips, bath toys, some wooden toys and puzzles, and a few outfits. I got her a bubble belly dog and she LOVED LOVED LOVED IT. She was mesmerized by the bubbles and love trying to get them.

This is the fantastic Fisher Price house I found at the thrift store ($3) and was able to get the people for it off ebay. She loved it. She figured out a bunch of the sounds. She kept putting the baby in the crib! It was so cute.

My mom bought some carpet from RCWilley last month. As a promotion she got this car! It's a remote controlled car. I couldn't believe it when she brought it out. She sat Sophie in it and that is where she stayed all night, she loved it! We're still putting it together but Sophie thought it was so awesome. I can't wait until we get it up and running!

She grinned all night! She cried when we finally took her out.

We were so blessed this Christmas. Holidays are always a good excuse to spend time with family and eat lots! My relationship with my mom is slowly improving. (that's a whole other story).
We got some great gifts from my parents: kitchen gadgets, a new pair of scrubs, some 'toys' for Kale, jewelry, a baby doll and some other things for Sophie, and a hoodie. Also, my mom bought us a playstation 3. We're not big gamers but it's got a ton of other capabilities and we love to play band hero/guitar hero. Kale did so great this year, he got me a cute purse, awesome shoes for work, and a voucher for a pedicure and massage. He filled my stocking with delicious treats and yummy lotions. He even found this darling salt and pepper shaker I love! He was so thoughtful and worked so hard. I got him some new shoes, hoodies, a stack of movies/blueray discs, and some pj pants. Any Christmas money we got we deposited into Sophie's savings account. She's got more in her savings than we do in ours! I hope we have enough for her to put a downpayment on her first house or pay for her college. We're working on that.
This is the cat my mom gave her. It's super funny... it's really soft and when you pet it's back it meows. Sophie doesn't really like it. She is so peticular about things!
I work the next few days then I have a few much needed days off. I follow up with my Dr on Thursday to figure out what to do about all my 'health' stuff. I have been pondering my new years goals. I will blog about those later! Hope everyone had a great Holiday weekend.


Unknown said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandpa. I hope he starts doing better. That would be so hard. It sounds like things for Christmas were great beside that and I am happy to hear about things improving with your mom :) I hope you guys are doing well and we can see you soon. You will have to come visit after Owen comes this weekend!

Sierra said...

I was so sad to hear about your grandpa. What a rotten way to spend the holiday. It makes me even more mad at how he got treated at the hospital. One of my biggest pet peeves is lazy employees. Don't become a nurse if you are unwilling to do a nurse's job. They are far too lenient on who they allow to graduate from nursing school... I want to beat his nurses. But I am glad the rest of your holidays went well :-) Family isn't always easy to get along with, but it's always worth it to try