Monday, April 18, 2011

April Update

We have loved the bike I got for my birthday. We have all been taking lots of bike rides!

Last time we went to West Jordan to visit the In-laws, we hung out at the park and Sophie LOVED to swing with us! She was so calm, I thought she was going to fall asleep. I love that girl!

We have been doing a TON of spring cleaning lately. I cleaned out the storage shed, all the closets, re-arranged the bedrooms, went through all the drawers and closets, kitchen cupboards, and bathroom drawers. What a nice feeling to have everything organized. We also painted Sophie's room (we've only had the paint for like 6 months, haha). It's purple, and I LOVE it. I found some cute decorations at Hobby Lobby so it was fun to kind of re-decorate things. Today, as I was going through Sophie's clothes and boxing up the small stuff, she decided she was going to be my little helper. She is so funny!

We had Sophie's 18-month appointment Wednesday. She was 33 1/2 inches (85% percentile) and 22lbs. That is the same weight she's been for 6 months, so her doctor, whom I absolutely love and respect, wants us to fatten her up. She dropped from 80% to 19% :( She is such a picky eater anyway, and with all her walking and moving, I think she's just lean. We got lots of fattening stuff though, and I got a ton of great tips from my babyboard about how to hide calories. I think part of it is that she's had (TMI) diarrhea for almost 3 weeks now and hasn't wanted to eat much. I can't figure out what's causing it, if it's just a gastrovirus or something she's eating. Today though, she had a 'normal' poo, I was so glad. Oh the joys of motherhood.

We have been going to the new ward, and it has been good. We tried going to nursery, and Sophie seemed to enjoy playing, but as soon as I tried to sneak out she cried and cried. I could hear her from the relief society room, so I went back and she wasn't as trusting. So I just take her to RS for now. She is such a big girl, I can't believe how tall she is. She is so smart, it's so fun to be with her. I feel really burnt out from working so much lately, I just want to enjoy my time off with my baby. I can't wait for warmer weather... the warmth that we have we take advantage of! We love to be outside: wether it's bike riding, jumping on the tramp, going for an evenening walk, jogging in the stroller, or doing other activities.

Sophie is so funny. She is such a 'busy-body' and always active and curious. She talks in her own little language, it sounds like japanese! It's pretty funny. She is wearing 18 and 24 month clothes and size 6 shoes. Her favorite foods are: chicken noodle soup, velveeta shells and cheese, apples and cinnamon oatmeal, and yogurt. She is such a great water drinker too, and sometimes I put a little splash of juice in. She loves to brush her teeth. It's funny, I have about 5 different tooth brushes. What I have to do is give her one for each hand, then I take one and brush her teeth really good. The Doctor said I could use a teeny tiny amount of kid's toothpaste, but the one time I tried it she didn't like it and I had a hard time getting it rinsed out. After I brush, she uses both her toothbrushes and brushes her teeth! It's so cute. She loves her reflection. Whenever she sees herself in the mirror or the window, she stops and talks to her reflection. She has really gotten into playing with her little dollhouse and and her big kitchen lately. She also loves it when we read to her. She is truly a blessing, we love her so much!


Unknown said...

Sophie is seriously such a pretty baby! She better fatten up or Owen will pass her up in weight. I'm pretty sure he is already 15 lbs at least. ;) good job on the spring cleaning, I need to do the same!