Friday, April 22, 2011


Let's talk about Futsol.

#1. Sorry guys, but what a dumb sport. I have never been a fan of soccer, so naturally I am not a fan of Futsol.

#2. My new ward called and invited me to a futsol game tonight. I had never played but knew I probably wouldn't like it, but wanted to take the opportunity to meet some people from my new ward so I went. When I walked in, I only recognized 5 smiling faces - my old ward! Immediately I felt torn. I hadn't told my old ward that I was moving my records to my new ward. I know we've been in our Plain City house now for 7 months, but the Farr West ward was my favorite ward of all time, and we were so happy there and were just starting to get comfortable with everyone. I love the members of that ward and have been reluctant to move. I have made many friends and looked forward to seeing everyone on the Sunday's I wasn't working. I figured though that it was time, especially since we've been given counsel to attend the correct ward by our leaders, to make the official move. I requested to have my records moved just last night.

Back to Futsol. So I stood on the sidelines hoping I could just sneak out. Nope. My old FW ward called for me to put on a jersey to play. I was in an awkward situation, but jumped in and played (hey my records aren't moved over yet, right?!). I played the long, drawn out 'sport' of Futsol. When the game was over, my new ward approached me to ask what the deal was. I was caught in the middle of an emotional situation, and had to briefly explain about my recent move and say goodbyes to my old ward teammates. I am sad, and wish I could just stay in that ward. Who would have thought something like this would be so upsetting, but how can you be upset when it's the right thing to do?


Unknown said...

Is futsol basically indoor soccer? We love soccer at this house :) sorry about the hard night. It is hard to leave places you are comfortable in but I'm sure you will have great people in your new ward too and will feel comfy in no time. I'm surprised they weren't bugging you about switching your records sooner, that is nice. Good luck in your new ward!