Monday, January 9, 2012

Discovery Gateway

I took a day off from school and didn't have to work today, so we took advantage of our latest membership to the Discovery Gateway. We had a membership last summer but took a few months off - I just couldn't pass up the deal they were having this month though!

We were going to take frontrunner but we were short in time and wanted to make a little music class thing so we drove. We got there and missed the class by a few minutes, but no big deal - there is plenty to do and we got in the next class. Sophie loves bumble bee with the play balls so we spent some time there, then we went to the water pond. She loves the water! Of course, she had a lot of fun getting wet and splashing around. She was kind of grumpy though, and didn't 'play well with others' that would come on her turf. I love this girl - she is hilarious!

Then we went to the farm place and she rode on the horse, played with some chickens and pretend food, and be-bopped around.

Sophie spent about 15 minutes transferring her food back and forth between baskets! It was hilarious.

We went upstairs to the helicopter, then played with the magnets an big legos. We went back to the bumble-bee and played too. It was so much fun! We spend about 3 hours there (through her nap) and then went to the food court and had some lunch. Then I got out my Boba and packed her around to browse and window-shop. I love baby wearing and it is one of the few times this busy-bouncing toddler holds still and we cuddle! I loved it! Sophie won't fall asleep anywhere but her bed, so of course the ride home was long. She did really good though skipping her nap and we had such a fun day.

We got home and got our snowsuit on and went outside. Last year I don't remember doing much with the snow. I think Sophie was still too little and it gets so cold out there! This year she has admired the snow so I thought it was a perfect opportunity to go out and play while the sun was still out.

Doesn't my little marshmallow look so cute!?

So she hates touching the snow and when she falls she just stays there on her knees, hold out her hands, and calls for me to come help pick her up and dust off her hands. It was kind of funny!

We stayed out for a while but then I was cold, and her poor little nose was red.

We had a fun day, I was glad for a day off to play with my sweet girl!

I have to work tomorrow... BOO!


Tanner & Jessica Allen said...

She is soo adorable!! Discovery Gateway sounds like a fun place. She has such a cute mommy who she obviously loves if she waits and knows mommy will get her in the snow! Have a good day at work tomorrow!!