Monday, April 28, 2014

2 Weeks Old

Emma is such a good baby!  She is two weeks old today.  Boy how time flies when you're having fun!  

Monday: I had to run to the store so Kale and Sophie took care of the baby.  I was only gone about an hour but it seemed like the longest hour of my life being away from home!  Kale said Sophie was a good helper though.

Tuesday: Emma stays in our room.  I had a pack n play all set up but she would NEVER sleep in it.  So we just have her in the bed with us.  I'm a light sleeper and she likes to be right by me, so I don't sleep great but it's worth it being close to her and being able to feed her easily.  This is a picture of her swaddled.  She likes to be swaddled.  She can self-soothe pretty good this way.  She also likes having her hands out too.  She's pretty easy-going.  

Wednesday:  I just spent the day hanging out with the babes.  Usually Emma doesn't like to lay on my chest (it just makes her hungry) but I think it's adorable when she does.  Today we went for a short walk in my wrap.  Emma seemed to like it.  She fell asleep once we were out and walking.  

Thursday:  Sophie is such a good big sister.  She has been really good with the baby.  She is a pretty good helper and will help bring stuff to me.  She likes to lay next to Emma on the bed or on the floor. It's pretty cute.  Sometimes I get worried she'll accidently bonk Emma or something because sometimes she gets a little rambunctious at times but so far she's very soft with her and hasn't tried to pick her up or anything like that.  Phew!  

Friday: We had two birthdays this week: Jeff's and My Dad's.  I made a Jello cake (or at least an attempt at it).  It was hard work!  The family came over to our house for a birthday celebration.  Sophie, of course, wants to hold the baby when someone else is around.  It doesn't last long and if Emma cries it makes her kind of nervous.  She loves to talk to Emma, hold her hand, and kiss her head.  

Saturday: Emma loves her baths!  She just lounges in there.  She's so slippery - she likes to try to slip down the sling in the little tub.  She has the funniest faces.  Oh my gosh they crack me up - that girl can give a dirty look :)

Sunday: We braved church again.  I wore Emma in a sling.  When we got home we took some pictures.  Sophie took this one:

I just love this baby so much!  I can't believe she is two weeks old!

She likes to sleep a lot.  I bet she sleeps about 18-20 hours a day!  She eats about every 3 hours in the day and sometimes every 2-3 hours at night.  Usually she goes down pretty good (although last night was one of the hardest nights and Emma was very restless).  She has been very gassy and seems to have an upset tummy.  I remember going through this with Sophie too, it seems like they have hard times in the evening/night.  Emma loves to nurse and I'm anxious to have her 2 week checkup and hoping with all this eating she is back to her birthweight.  She likes to have her arms swaddled but her legs out.  She stretches them out; they are so long and skinny.  She doesn't really like the pacifier but she is getting more used to it.  She gags on it and spits it out but sometimes when she is really uncomfortable the sucking helps soothe her.  I tried to put on some 3 month size pjs the other night and they were WAY too big, but the newborn size is getting tight!  She is kind of in-between sizes.  I love holding her and like that she is a cuddler.  She definitely sleeps best when someone is holding her or laying RIGHT next to her.  She refuses to sleep in her crib or the pack n play.  She could be dead asleep and you lay her down and she's awake in 10 minutes.  I've tried all the tricks and just accept it and try to cherish it because I know it won't be long she will be all over the place!  

I feel pretty good most days despite having a newborn sleep schedule.  I am thankful for neighbors and friends that help me with Sophie.  She loves being able to go play.  She gets really bored at home with me and Emma and sometimes because she is the most independent of the two babies, she has to entertain herself.  Some days she has a hard time and feels "upsad" about things.  She has been pretty emotional (she is sensitive anyway) but I know she's going through a lot too!  We just try to love and cuddle her and tell her what a great job she does.  She is a great helper.  We are lucky to have such sweet little girls that we both love so much!