Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lawn Care

Sophie and I mowing the lawn

The weather has been great! We've been outside doing yard work. With a few days off I've been able to mow, weed and plant my flower garden, gotten my vegetable garden ready for planting, and fertilized the lawn. I love my yard and all the foilage. The cherry tree has blossoms, and most all the other trees have little green buds.

Last week after working I started getting a sore throat. I happened to take care of a patient with strep so I was worried I may have that. A few days later my throat felt better but then I came down with allergies/sinus infection. I've been miserable ever since. Sophie has a runny nose and is sneezing, and once in a while she'll get watery eyes. So... she either has allergies or just an irritant... or... it's because she's teething. The poor baby is having a really hard time with her teeth. She has been so fussy and needy, has horrible congestion, and is gnawing at everything. Her gums are swollen and I was letting her chew on a cold washcloth and there was blood. No teeth yet, but gosh I just feel so bad for her. We've been doing motrin/tylenol around the clock, and last night I got some oragel and teething tablets. I have spent the last two days just cuddling her and holding her. My mom always used to say "you're only as happy as your saddest kid' and I believe that now! I feel so bad for her, and just wish *MY* teeth could hurt instead. She's such a happy baby normally, and loves to talk and play and she is so active. She's always been such a great sleeper, especially through the night, but now she'll cry in her sleep and I go in and her eyes are closed but she just looks/sounds so painful. I can't wait for this whole teething business to be over.

Nothing else eventful really. Kale has one more final Thursday and he's done with school until Fall. He's picking up an extra day for the month of May at his pharmacy. It's going to make for a busy month! He has been watching the playoffs and gets to go to the game Friday.

I am just hoping and praying I can get back on days at work. There is an upcoming availability for days this summer. I'm torn because I actually really love the night crew nurses, I like the different atmosphere of the patient care, and I appreciate having independence at night to be able to use my critcal thinking skills. It's just so hard to recover from the shift though, especially having to nurse Sophie and not being able to get a good chunk of rest.


keldi and matt francom said...

oh so sad i hate the teething my boys both had a hard time with them. aspen hasnt been to bad yet but oh its not fun.