Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Roy Complex

We went swimming again. We were planning on going to Clearfield but apparently they were closed for two hours for swim lessons (news to us). So we went to the Roy complex (ghetto!). In my high school swim team days, Roy was knows for being about a thousand degrees. Not the night we bring our babies! I swear there were ice cubes floating in the pool. Sophie's lips were blue and she was mottled, but she didn't even cry or complain about it being cold! Laura went with us again, my sister (the awesome photographer), and my friend Jen and her three kids. Her baby LOVED the water too, he was splashing like crazy! Jen said I couldn't put her picture on my blog because she was worried about how she looks... My camera died so we didn't get very many.

I CANT WAIT until it's warm enough for outdoor pools to open. Seriously, Sophs and I will be in heaven.


Unknown said...

So sad that we had to miss it last week. It was such a busy week. Hopefully we can go again soon!