Happy Father's Day to all those wonderful Father's out there!
Lately I love having days off much more than I love being at work. Don't get me wrong, I love being a nurse and I love my job, but sometimes the politics of it all gets really old. We've made the most of my time off this week! Thursday I met with a friend and we went biking on Legacy Parkway. We were planning on riding the train but missed it because my little sleeping beauty decided today would be her monthly sleep-in day (of course when I'm awake!). We ended up driving to the parking lot and getting there just in time for the train to arrive. We headed out on our ride. Sophie usually loves to bike, but for some reason she was extra grumpilicious and fussed most of the way. We were aiming for that quanit little lake but knew that our butts had throbbed enough and so we stopped at this little shaded bench area and ate some lunch. E is as cute as a button and Sophie liked checking out her ride (bike trailer) and going after her puffs. It is a lot of fun to have playdates, thank you Whit!

Friday Kale had to work but me and Sophie didn't want to miss out any any fun. We spent the morning lounging and after her nap we got ready to head to Lagoon. She was in a particularly good hold-still kind of mood so I snuck in a french braid. It always makes me feel accomplished to do a french braid in a 20 month old's hair!

We have been utilizing frontrunner so much lately. It's such a great alternative to driving (gas $) and takes about the same tim
e to get to our destination. Today though we didn't plan getting ready well so we would have to wait almost 45 minutes for the next frontrunner to depart, so we drove to the frontrunner station in Farmington and waited for the (free) shuttle to Lagoon. Beats paying for parking! We spent a while at Lagoon and had a lot of fun. It's nice because my Beco has a secret little pocket that is meant for a hood but I keep a spare diaper in there so I don't have to pack much of anything besides the items that fit in my pocket! We went on the carousel, the helicopters, the boats (well we attempted it but had waited in lineforever and Sophie threw a fit when we finally got on and I had to take her off before it started), the kontiki, bulgy the whale, and the haunted house (which oddly enough Sophie loved-I'm pretty sure it was her favorite of the day). We had so much fun and I got the cutest little video clip of Sophie saying "wee" over and over on the carousel. It's so cute when she does that! I think everything she does is cute.
The next day we let Kale sleep in a bit (his only day off amidst his 13 days of straight working). Sophie and I had breakfast and got things ready for a hike. We got there around 11 and were so excited to do something different. We were planning on going on Taylor's Canyon because I had ready it was a pretty short, moderate difficulty hike with a well groomed trail that follows a creek. There were lots of trails though that forked and it was kind of confusing but we finally got on the right trail and had a blast! Man I am out of shape. Not only am I 50lbs overweight but I was packing Sophie too, phew! When I thought I would collapse, we stopped and played in the little stream. Sophie loved it... that girl has no fear (but I have fear). She wanted to get right in there. Even though it was pretty chilly she didn't care and was stomping, kicking, and splashing around in it! She was pretty upset when we had to carry on and continue our hike.

It was approaching Sophie's nap time so we cut our hike short and turned off to the Bonneville shoreline trail when the opportunity approached. Here is my attempt at a poorly executed self-timer shot. Aw, what a cute family I have. I am so lucky! The hike was so much fun. It's so exciting to do something new and different as a family. I loved it and can't wait until we find the opportunity to go again.
After Sophie's nap we got ready and headed to Salt Lake. We made it just in time to get on frontrunner and were excited to play at the Discovery Gateway Museum!
I just have to point out Sophie's hair... Man this hair has some personality. The bottom is curly and the top is straight, and it's thick and long. I love it. This picture is after we combed and styled it too... you should see it in the morning.

Sophie seemed especially excited to play today! We went upstairs and played outside with the helicopter first. She was cautious of it this time, and even cried when I sat her in there. She eventually warmed up though after thoroughly checking it out and watching other kids play. We stayed outside for a while and she just walked all over the place checking things out. They had a pretend seatbelt that Sophie loved trying to clip together. There was a picture of a puppy out there too that she just loved! Next we went inside and played with all the toys upstairs. There are magnet blocks, tinker toys, big legos, magnets that spin, puzzles, and lots of fun toys to explore. We stayed up there a while and Sophie's cousins came to play with us too. Later, we went downstairs and played in the beehive area with the balls. Sophie loves it there. She especially like to gather up any stray balls and put them in the big bin, and get balls to throw in the holes that play music. It's always very busy here and it's fun for her to watch other kids play and she does so much exploring. Now that she can walk, it's a lot more fun to be her to do things like this and she is so full of energy and walking around everywhere.

Next, we went in the Kids View play area. Her favorite part is the water and she likes to collect the balls and splash in the water. Luckily they have these little vests to protect you from getting soaking wet! She always seems to spend the most time here. She also really like the barn area. They have stuffed animals: chickens, chicks, and bunnies. She love to hear the noises they make. Today Sophie sat on the horse for a while. She was so cute and kept patting him and loved to be up so high. I can't wait until we can ride my parents horses for real! I hope she loves it.

After we spent a few hours playing (which is a record for us!) we borrowed a cousin's car seat and went to the Spaghetti Factory with everyone. Sophie was so tired - It was about 8pm plus she didn't have a very long nap earlier! Our dinner came and the thing that kept Sophie the busiest and content was dipping a fork into Kale's Coke and then tasting it. It was hilarious! I bet she did that for a half hour! We got settled in on the frontrunner, and before we even made it to woods cross, Sophie was asleep! The announcement that we were in Roy woke her up and unfortunately she cried the short drive home. Poor thing!
Today Kale worked, but we survived church despite the refusal to be in nursery alone. Sophie is asleep now and I'm making a Father's Day Dinner. I love Kale so much. I am so lucky to have such a great husband who is loving, patient, and kind. He is a fabulous father and interacts so well with Sophie. He is the best Dad in the whole wide world.
Also, how can I forget my own sweet dad?! He is a gentle giant and I have so many great memories of fun times together growing up. He is such a hard worker and I know I can count on him. He treats me and my family so well and I love him so so so much.
Happy Father's Day!