Lots has been going on around here! Sophie is getting so big! I can't believe she just turned 20 months old! It's crazy to see what a big girl she is and how much fun it is to see her learn and explore. She is such a blessing, man I love that girl.
Since we're doing a lot of stuff around the yard and around the house, we didn't have the time or money to do a big garden. So here is our garden this year! Three tomato plants. How exciting! Speaking of tomatoes, Sophie LOVES them. I was in Costco and had a big pack and she cried hysterically until I opened them. Did she want the gummy bears, nope. Did she want the free smoothie sample, nope. She was shoveling those cherry tomatoes in like there was no tomorrow. It was way funny! I love them too, but Kale hates them, so I'm glad she likes them :)
Kale has been so busy lately. He hasn't had to mow the lawn ONCE since our new house. Either I have or my mom has mown it. So finally, it worked out that he had the time/energy for it. Sophie had missed him all day, so we threw on Kale's carrier (a Boba) and she LOVED it. She laid on him and just talked his ear off the entire time!

In other news, I have been thinking about cutting my hair lately. It was SO long and getting so hot. It was to the point that it was so long (and it's very thick) my hairstyle choices were down or up in a ponytail or bun. I felt pretty plain. I had been thinking about cutting enough to donate it again to Locks of Love, but I wasn't sure because I love having long hair and last time I cut a lot off (2006) it was kind of traumatic. So I was thinking I'd just cut like 6 inches or so. But, I had an impulse, got a babysitter, and went to the Cosmetology school and just did it! It ended up being almost 12 inches (10 is the minimum). I was thinking it would hit my shoulder blades but it ended up being a bit shorter than I thought. That day I was kinda sad about it, it was so different and I was kinda sad. I found a box of hair dye under my sink so I used it to color it (man I had more grey hairs than I thought). Once I had the time to actually style it, I felt better about it. Anyway, I'm getting used to it and am glad that my hair can benefit some little child out there!
Today we went to Lagoon. We got season passes this year and were glad to go today. Sophie was kinda grumpy to start with. We rode frontrunner and rode the free shuttle over to the park. She was excited, but didn't like waiting in the lines, even though overall they were pretty short today. We rode the carousel, the Puff Roller Coaster, the mini magic carpet ride, the whale (lots and lots of times), the dragon ride, and then we went to Lagoon a Beach. The water was ICE cold but Sophie and I didn't mind. Kale doesn't like cold water though, but he did go down one of those scary slides.
I love having my Beco, it was so nice to not have to pack a huge bag and stroller and stuff, and made my job easier when we were waiting in line. I love that thing.
This weekend we're heading to visit Kale's Grandparents in Wyoming. Hopefully the long ride goes well! Hope everyone is enjoying the summer so far!
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