Thursday, June 9, 2011

June 9, worst day ever...

I had a really bad day today. No reason to air out my problems on the internet: just know it was a very hard day. Days like this I wonder why I even try to be a good person. But anyway....

We went to Lagoon though, which is always fun. My Sophs just LOVES the rides. She says "Weeee" on all the rides. I love that girl. Today there were hardly any lines, it is definitely a good time to go! Plus we got a little cesears Pizza on the way home, so not having to cook is a positive aspect of my day!

Here is a little video clip of Sophie on the ride saying "weeeee." Man it is the cutest thing!

This week has seemed so busy. Even though Kale and I had the weekend off, between Lagoon, visiting in Wyoming, working, and yard/house work the time off has gone by way too fast! Kale starts his new job Monday, I am excited for him. He is worried about being on his feet for the entire day, but we got him some good supportive shoes and I hope he'll be able to sit down once in a while. This is hopefully going to be a great job and he'll carry insurance now instead of me. We have a high deductible plan and I hate it! I am so glad we'll be able to change. I totally don't recommend it if you have children. There have a been a couple times I have wanted to go to the doctor for follow up stuff or if Sophie has been sick and feel trapped because I'd have to pay outright. Sophie's Ped referred us to PCMC rehab and of course, the high deductible plan wont cover any of it and they want $400+ just for the first visit! I guess it works good for some. It sounded good in theory. This summer will be busy: with Kale's new job, my brother and sister's weddings, and all the fun things we want to go and do! Busy is good though, and spending time together is wonderful. I work several days in a row. Kale is home with Sophie, which is good.

This post was all over the place. Hope everyone is doing good.