What a busy month! My sister got married yesterday and my brother is getting married Thursday.
Today was a hard day (see last paragraph).
Luckily I have this sweet baby to bless and brighten my life.
Preston and Kylie (my sis) got married yesterday! It was beautiful. They were married in the Logan temple. I met at my Mom's house so I could ride up there with my family. (this is the last place I remember having my phone).
I was able to attend their ceremony (thanks Kale for staying home with the baby) and take pictures after. We had over an hour to kill before lunch so it was a lot of fun to experiment and snap a ton of photos (over 1100). Here are a few. I apologize, there are so many I just randomly picked some that the thumbnails looked good - I don't have the time or energy to look at make sure everyone's eyes are open and the pictures look good, ha! My sister looked so beautiful and the day was wonderful! It was so nice to attend the ceremony and made me love my husband so much ( or at least remind me of how much I love him). Preston is such a great guy with a great family; I am so happy for my sister!

I just love my Dad. He is the best. Words cannot express what a great guy he is!
After the pictures we ate lunch at Maddox. It was delicious! We went home and were able to visit with some family and friends, and then finish setting up for the Reception. It was really hot so we all had to go home and freshen up. The time really got away from us and we were scrambling to set up the food and weren't able to get many pictures before people started lining up to see Ky and Preston. I didn't stand in the line because I was busy following my sweet Sophie around. She loved it. My cute little Grandpa made it over and we got a pictures of my Mom's side of the family.

It was all fun and games until Sophie found the treat table! I kept envisioning her pulling the table cloth and having three chocolate fountains come crashing down. Luckily she found a little friend in Preston's second cousin. She was about a year and a half older than Sophie, but Sophs thought it was fun to hand out with her and spent the next hour following her around the reception.
I wasn't even the one getting married but still thought it was all kind of stressful and was relieved when it was over ;) Kale took Sophie home at the end of the reception and got her in bed. The night wasn't over: we had to clean, do dishes, put away tables, pick up trash, haul several loads of food and decorations/supplies home, and take the presents to my Mom's. We all watched Preston and Ky open their gifts which was fun. We looked through some pictures and finished unloading all the cars. I was physically and emotionally exhausted and after looking for my phone for a while and not finding it in the mess of stuff, I just came home and crashed.
About 845 I woke up with a sick feeling in my stomach and it hit me that I was supposed to work today. I had totally forgotten that, and felt horrible. That is such an un-reliable thing to do and I really let my coworkers down. I have not been able to get over it today, and just can't believe it happened. We dont' have a home phone, just our cell phones, and my work didn't have my husband's phone number. My phone is also my alarm/clock so I had no idea. Usually I look over my calendar but the past few days have just been a whirlwind. I feel really bad, it's considered a no-call no-show which is a big deal. They had the shift covered and I begged to come in but the charge nurse said she would rather just keep the staff they brought in special to cover and they only had two patients with 1 going home. I have stressed and mulled over it all day and feel HORRIBLE. I know it is done and I can't change it, but it doesn't make me feel any better right now, and I am hoping I can find peace with what happened.
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