Saturday, March 20, 2010

Visit to Wyoming

We went to Wyoming to visit Kale's grandparents. They are so sweet. We decided to stay the night, which means it was our first family trip! Kale's Grandma had delicious soup waiting for us, and cooked a dinner worthy for Thanksgiving! Sophie was great all day. She even tried some baby applesauce there and did pretty good. That night we went to Kale's Uncle and Aunt's house. Sophie was afraid of their dog! She loves our Chief, but he doesn't bark or really have interest in her. She slept in the pack and play next to me all night, and I got to reach in and hold her sweet little hand. We headed back to Gma's house for a gourmet breakfast before heading home. Kale had to work at 2 and we made it with just enough time for him to get ready and go. I worked at 5pm.
Great Gpa
Sophie loves her Great Gparents, she loved being held.
Crazy haired Sophie with her sweet Great Gma

I went to the Carter's store the other day. I love to look but don't usually buy. I couldn't help but get these ADORABLE sun glasses though. She doesn't mind wearing them and looks so cute.


keldi and matt francom said...

so cute i love sun glasses on babies she is a doll