Monday, May 3, 2010

Big Girl Potatoes

I worked all weekend. It was a nice weekend at work. Definitely a change from the busy winter season. My friend and I had a waffle party at work yesterday! It was so fun!

We switched pediatricians. I was seeing one that I didn't really know well before I went to him and after several appointments I just really didn't mesh. We were planning on getting insurance next year through Kale and the insurance his hospital carries doesn't have a lot of provider options. But basically, I just wasn't happy so we switched to the ped I originally wanted to go to anyway and I'll just have to carry insurance next year (and pay more ugh) but it's worth it in my opinion! She was great with Sophie and addressed my concerns.

My concerns: Sophie hates being on her tummy. I don't just mean she cries and fusses about it... she screams bloody murder and sometimes she gets so upset she'll puke. Therefore: I haven't pushed the issue and she doesn't spend any time on her tummy (not rolling over, can't crawl in the upcoming months, etc). She said Sophie's upper body strength is not near what her legs are... and just said we have to do tummy time three times a day for 60-90 seconds each time and slowly build. We're going to try it. She tolerates it OK I guess.

Concern #2. Sophie won't eat... anything. She nurses great, and takes a bottle awesome... just doesn't eat (self fed or fed by me). She used to do a few bites of rice cereal and she was getting pretty good at her sippy cup. Now she won't take anything by mouth. We've been trying to do solids for a month and a half now and she's gotten worse. My previous ped told me that she needs to be eating by 6 months because it affects her speech development. The new ped said that's not correct and not to stress. She said because she's not eating we just need to give her a vitamin drop to make up for it. She said a lot of people delay solids and babies do just fine. She recommended letting Sophie have bites of what we eat. She said in the olden-days it was always known to hold things like milk, eggs, nuts, strawberries, wheat, and high -allergy foods. She said now they're doing studies that show breastfed babies w/o family history of allergies are actually safe to have small amounts of those things because of the good stuff in breastmilk! I learned something new. I have always been uptight about following the 'rules' but now I'm a bit more lenient. The doc said as long as it is single ingredient foods introduce a few days away from each other it's ok to try. We've been doing some teething biscuits. She LOVES mum-mums.

Well that brings us to our night tonight... we went to Texas Roadhouse for Kale's birthday dinner. She was fussy when we got there so I let her gnaw on a roll. Not the best idea... She got a big piece and tried to swallow it and I had to finger-sweep her mouth. She was so mad when I took it away though! So we ordered her a side of mashed potatoes. She was so funny. She loved them, and didn't even turn her nose up to them. She had several bites, then she just wanted to play. I put a big dollop on a plate and she was just smooshing them around and had them everywhere... on me, the table, and her (hair, face, clothes). I think she'll just be a baby that wants to go right to table food ("Forget babyfood Mom!")

Kale's birthday is tomorrow. He works, and I have an enrichment night that evening I need to attend. So we're going to celebrate Fri/Sat. I have a surprise planned for Saturday. I think the suspense is killing him :)


Unknown said...

What a sweetie!! Lola LOVES "mashed tatos". I am glad you found a ped that you like, that is so important. We were never super careful about the allergy foods with Lola because she never had any issues and my Dr said it was ok since she had never had any issues with allergies. It always good to do what you feel good about as a Mom. You are doing a great job!!

keldi and matt francom said...

oh so sweet. my first son jaxton didnt do so well with baby food either he still refuses to eat any kind of oatmeal type ceral. he was one that would rather eat what we were eating. aspen had potatoes for the first time on sunday to. its so fun when they find something they really like. that is good you found a ped you really like.

Marriott's said...

I am sad to hear that you and Dr. Church did not get along. He is the best ped I have yet to go to and I have been to quite a few from changing insurances. Who is your new one?