Monday, July 12, 2010

9 Month Visit

We had Sophie's 9 month appointment (it's a little later than 9 mo). It was good. Sophie didn't have to get any shots but she did have to get her little piggy poked for an Iron test. She was 37 (33+ is normal). I was surprised because I suck at giving her the nasty vitamins with iron and she doesn't really eat anything fortified with iron.

My baby is getting to be such a big girl! She loves to babble and play. She is SUCH a mama's girl. She always wants me to hold her and she loves to snuggle into my shoulder. She like to also pull my hair. She's got quite the temper. I brought it up to the Doctor even! She does this growl and a high pitched scream when she's mad. I was in line at the store and she kept doing that and if I said "NO" she'd get more mad. People were giving me looks. My doc said to just do what I'm doing: redirect and say No. She is a great sleeper. She goes to bed about 7 and sleeps sometimes until 10. I usually feed her when I pump in the morning (either 4am or 7am) but she stays asleep or goes back to sleep immediately. She still takes usually three naps a day, sometimes two... ranging from 1-2 hours. She is definitely a sleeper! She's getting 6 teeth in all at once right now so she's miserable. Two more on the bottom (to add to her two) and 4 on the top! Poor girl.

She wears mostly 12 month size clothes and size 3 diapers. We're still cloth diapering but have moved away from prefolds and use more of the one-size AIOs (bumgenius are the go-to). We do a disposable at night though since she is sleeping so long.

At her appointment she was 19lb 14oz (66%), 29inches tall (84%), OFC 44.5 (63%).

We love our doctor! She is so nice. Sophie screamed the entire exam though. Ha! She has such stranger danger! She wont let anyone hold her but me (sometimes Kale). Our doctor gives us something fun every time. The first time we went when we switched to her we got a quilt, and this time a book (which Sophie had eaten half of before the appointment was over).

She is eating better. She will usually take an ounce of either applesauce or bananas once a day. She LOVES LOVES LOVES yogurt though. She'll take 4oz of that every day. She loves it, and I cant scoop it in fast enough. The other fruits and vegetables we've tried she still hates. The doctor said to try cottage cheese. I got some to attempt.

Last night I had to work and my friend was watching her. She has a baby a week younger. She was so cute, when I came in she was holding/feeding both of them a bottle and she said "I could have had twins!" I am so grateful for her help. She doesn't read my blog, but still I can't help but shout out to her because she is such a great friend and nurse. She had Sophie fed, bathed, and in pjs! She said Sophie ate like a hog. She had real green beans, ham, and mashed potatoes and loved them all! I knew she loved potatoes, but couldn't believe she took the green beans. We tried some more at home and she ate them like they were going out of style! Also, I'm always afraid to give her meat. We eat a lot of redmeat. Plus I am afraid she'll choke! But I guess she loved the Ham. It's hopeful when she eats good.

I hear her awake from her nap. Her teeth are bothering her so bad. I am going to go cuddle her now. I just love her so much!


Unknown said...

I can't believe how fast she is growing up. I am glad she is starting to eat more, she is so silly. I love her legs and could just eat them up. She is just beautiful!