Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 4

We tried going to church but it's always such a struggle! We have 11am church, and 11 is when Sophie naps so she's always SO grumpy. I used to be able to get her to sleep but now she's such a busy body she wont calm down enough to sleep. We only made it half way through the sacrament.

After she napped, Sophie and I went up to visit a family friend, Jane. It was fun, she hadn't seen the baby for months. Sophie took some time to warm up to her but eventually she would let Jane hold her as long as I wasn't in the room. Jane made lunch and a cake (it was her twins' birthday). Sophie got a taste of the frosting and loved it! She also had some of the banana cake and fruit. She especially loved the cantaloupe.


keldi and matt francom said...

What a darling dress! church is so hard at eleven my two little ones always struggle also that is there nap time too