Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July Fun

I feel like I haven't blogged for a while!

Last week at work I worked far too many days. I worked M, T, had a meeting W, Fr, Sat, Sun! Ick! So needless to say I was tired most every night. I feel like I haven't 'seen' my family for ever, and there were zero groceries in my fridge yesterday.

On Saturday, I worked half of another nurse's shift so missed the parade but we were able to go to the Rodeo. We went out to eat before and got there right before it started. It was PACKED. No where to sit. I was actually glad, because we found a great place to stand. We sat on the pavement when we needed a rest but I don't think Sophie would have sat still anyway. I had her in the Beco and she was enthralled at watching the horses and other animals run by. It was really sunny for the first 20 or so minutes, then we were in the shade which was nice! Sophie lasted until the fireworks at about 1030pm!

Monday we had the pleasure of hanging out with Ms. Lola! She is so dang cute and funny. She LOVES Sophie. She kept busy playing with Sophie's toys, and she was so cute... she'd hand Sophie toys if she couldn't quite reach them, say "bless you" when Sophie sneezed, and would sing songs from TV to Sophie. We had a picnic, went on the swings, and ran an errand.

Lola thought Sophie's cup holder was super cool... but she didn't appreciate Sophie getting near her sippy.

There were some major waterworks when we came in from the swings. I got Sophie out first and she was hysterical and wouldn't let go of the swing, she proceeded to cry at the top of her lungs for the next 15 minutes. Then I got Lola out and then she started to cry too. (Mind you we'd been swinging for almost an hour and my fat old lady legs were tired!) I felt like laughing because here I was carrying two crying babies in from my backyard with the dog following behind us. We loved having Lola over!
That night after Kale got home we were all sitting on the floor playing with Sophie and she decided it was a good time to poop. I unfortunately had her in a disposable and so of course it was a blow out... like 6 inches up her back and out the legs. I couldn't get her clean, so I carried her at arms length and had to get her in the tub... ha.
Her new favorite thing is Arby's Roast beef. She loves that stuff. Of course she loves her yogurt too. She'll eat an entire cup in one sitting! I'm still pumping about every 4-5 hours and that's her main source of nourishment. I am so blessed I haven't had to use any formula... man that stuff is pricey (and it stinks).
Monday night, in lei of our fridge being completely empty except for cheese, mustard/ketchup/miracle whip, and baby yogurt, I made a reluctant trip to Walmart! Oh. my. goodness. It was freak night apparently. I have tried to avoid Walmart because even though the prices are good, it's so... overwhelming at times. Anyway... it took me almost three hours. I left my house at 8pm, entered the checkout line at 958, and by the time I checked out and drove home it was 1118! It was pricey too... I usually make out a meal plan but I just went shopping in the dark. I really want to get a deep freezer for outside in our carport... I would have so much more 'food storage' potential.


Unknown said...

Those pics of the girls are so cute! I am sorry that she threw a fit after the swings. I was laughing so hard when I read about that. Thanks so much again for watching her. I know she had a great time with her friend Sophie, and you of course.

I also hate Walmart. Plus I try not to go there since I work for Associated ha ha