Saturday, July 17, 2010

Favorite PJs Post

I did it again... I accidentely deleted a bunch of pictures off my SD card. After feeling sad about it, I started googling and found a program to recover them. PHEW! Thank heavens it worked too! I was so glad.

My dad welded us a swing set last Saturday. He had some scrap metal laying around so it was virtually free! We got these swings (one free from a neighbor and one for $2 at the DI) and so it worked out perfect. It's really easy to move and we can convert to bigger swings when we need.

The first time we took Sophie on it, she wasn't sure what to think. She was completely silent and refused to smile. The next day though, she couldn't stop laughing and she loved it. I got a video of her cracking up that I'll have to post ... it's so cute I just love it!

I want to dedicate this post to my favorite pjs. I was quite sad to find out that they don't make the darling footed pjs in 12 mo+ recently. You can find the pjs but they are either this really weird nonflammable fabric that's kinda scratchy (and not cute prints) or there are the fleece ones but they look grungy after a few washes and are a little tight on her chubby thighs. I like the cute, cotton carter ones with cute stuff on the toes (ie lady bugs). Those are my favorite because I don't have to worry about her toes getting cold and they stay really soft.
I searched high and low for them and didn't find them (because carter's doesn't make them - I asked). At Ross though, I found these darling ones from Osh Kosh. You'd have to see her in them to really appreciate the pjs. She looks so cute in them! Her little bubble but, chunky monkey thighs, and her cute long torso... I could just eat her up I love this girl so much! It was the best $6 I ever spent and I love them... I kinda wish I had a pair in my size cause I'd totally wear them. So we had a little photo shoot. I tried to only pick a few of my favorites, but she was so cute in all of them I had to post a ton (probably too many).
Here is my happy girl who was up super late the other night (like 10pm, wowsers!)


Unknown said...

I still have Lola wear footie PJ's. She will until they don't make them big enough for her haha I have found some at Osh Kosh, Target, and Children's Place that go up to bigger sizes.

That swing set looks so fun!!! Lola LOVES swings too! Oh and yesterday Lola saw that bottle that I got out for Sophie (ya I haven't taken it downstairs yet oops) and I said that was for baby Sophie. Then she said "ba ba fo Sosie". It was so cute, she kept saying her name after that!

Sierra said...

Sad day... I am so glad you could recover them! I would cry if that happened to me. These are adorable pics :-)