Saturday, October 2, 2010

Jeff's Home and Sophie's First Birthday!

Jeff is home from Australia! We went to the airport to get him. It was funny because another family was there picking up a missionary also and when my brother and the other missionary came down the escalator the other mom like fell to the floor and started to scream and wallor. I was so distracted watching, I thought it was hilarious! Sophie was a total grump. I don't think she likes big crowds and lots of noise. She was so fussy (and in turn-so was I)

After we went to eat at Chuck A Rama. It's one of Jeff's favorites. I can't quite eat like I used too... after a couple plates I'm full. We have this joke that we always undo a button and get another plate. Sophie's pants were a little tight and we undid her button, haha

Our new house has a really neat yard. Most of the day and especially in the morning it sounds like one of those nature sounds CDs. There are frogs, fuzzy caterpillars, and snakes (ew I don't like that part so much). My mom was over and caught a small one and Sophie was checking it out.

Sophie had her 1 year checkup. She is such a big girl! She was 22lbs 2 oz (68th percentile) and 31 inches long (96 percentile). Sophie has been pretty grumpy/fussy this week. Her bum bum issues are getting a little better now but did get worse when we tried a slow introduction of milk again so the doctor gave us some enfagrow toddler formula samples to get us through two weeks until we're going to try milk again. We're continuing the miralax so hopefully that will help when we try again in a few days. They want me to introduce 1oz every few days. She got 5 shots, poor baby!

This was taken on Sophie's Birthday! I spent most of the day cleaning. Kale was home and I rarely have another body to watch Sophie while I unpack. The day was SOOO productive. I was able to unpack and clean the rest of the garage. This is a picture of Sophie playing with her new birthday toys! I am proud to say that I got all of Sophie's toys at the DI! She got a star stacking toy, a pull toy with lots of little blocks, and a wooden puzzle toy. She is so dang sweet. Seeing this picture makes me smile.

Today we had a birthday party for Sophie! I have felt slightly stressed and very busy all week preparing. I didn't think about it being conference weekend. A lot of people couldn't come, but it was still fun!

This is before the party. I made the banner with the help of a nice friend's diecuting! It was a cupcake theme. I made her birthday cards too. It's fun to make things like that, especially when it's for something special. Sophie was pretty grumpy today. She woke up really unhappy after her nap, poor girl. She was very clingy to me and just seems like she's having a hard week. I hope next week is better. I can focus on her and not worry about unpacking, cleaning , ect...
She's got curlers in. Her hair is SO long now they barely work ha.

Some of our party guests!

We had a bubble machine, so fun!

Sophie's favorite color is purple!

Cupcake theme party

A lady in my old ward has a cupcake business (Whimsy Cupcakes). We were lucky enough to be her husband's home teachees so we got some cupcakes here and there, and they were DELICIOUS! Not only do they look great but they taste so wonderful. We got pink lemonade flavor... the cupcakes are so soft and moist. The frosting is the perfect balance of sweetness! They went super fast (shoulda ordered more) and I had to hurry and snap a picture quickly!

Opening presents

Whimsy made a JUMBO cupcake for Sophie. I died laughing... I thought for sure she'd really go after it when we put it in front of her. She was so dainty about it! She'd poke her finger in the frosting and taste it. Finally after a few tastes she went in for it with both hands.

She made more of a mess than what she actually ate, but it was so fun to watch her!

Sophie and her daddy!

After being cleaned up we went back outside to swing (she loves swinging and jumping on the tramp!!!)

Overall it was a great birthday. It's such a bittersweet feeling. It actually makes me really sad to think that a whole year has gone by. Even though I know I have many more great years to spend with Sophie, it's just sad to see how fast time flies! She is such a big girl. She is a pretty good sleeper. She never goes down easily but she sleeps through the night. She is a very picky eater. She only eats: banana, applesauce, and pear baby food puree, toast, lil munchers and yogurt bites, yogurt, and she is a great water drinker. She doesn't crawl, pull up on things, or walk. We get asked those things a lot. She's on her own pace: I really think it comes down to being stubborn/lazy. Her newest, not so desirable habit, is throwing temper tantrums. At home I don't mind, I can remove her from the situation and let her 'voice' her unhappiness. In public is a little different because people look at you so critically. If I don't give her something, let her touch/hold something, or even just walk away from something, she does a high-pitched shrill shrieking. Sometimes she'll even pinch/hit me! Oh my goodness, that baby girl of mine! I hope it's a phase. She's such a good baby and it's just out of character for her. I just take it as her way of communicating since she can't talk yet.

She's become quite the babble-er. She love to rock back and forth too. She's gotten to be a pro at the sippy cups. We started using some spill-able toddler water bottles. Once in a while she gets pretty soaked. Speaking of soaked, she LOVES to sit in the bathroom with her legs in the sink! She knows how to turn the faucet off and on, and likes to splash and spray stuff. She loves baths, and swimming. We went to the Marshall White Center this week and she smiled almost the whole time! She is really good at kicking and splashing. I dunked her a few times, but it always makes me nervous! Sophie's has a really cute birth mark on her left chubby thigh. Her hemangioma is still there. The first year is a rapid growth phase, but they usually start to get smaller and usually disappear by the time the baby is 5.

We're happy to be in our new house! We had another little bump in the road. The fridge's water supply was turned off. When we moved in we turned it back on. Little did we know the sellers didn't disclose that the water supply has a leak! The entire floor around the fridge and the ceiling below and downstairs wood flooring is ruined. Luckily we don't have to pay for it, but it's still not fun! They're going to fix it this week. We are going to paint plum purple in our living room, and green in Sophie's room. We have been doing some work in the yard too... pulling weeds and changing around some landscaping. It will be nice when there are no more projects :) Ha like that will even happen huh?! I hope I will have more time to blog: it's my journal and my own little therapy. Thanks to everyone who reads :)


keldi and matt francom said...

Sophie is so cute i cant belive she is one her party looked so cute.That is exciting to be in a new house. You are such a cute mom. Were is her hemangioma at my middle boy porter has one on his leg and he is two and a half and i hardley can see it any more. that is so cool that you found all of her toys at the di i need to go di hunting. We should get our girls together to play sometime i would love to catch up with you

Unknown said...

So glad you were able to blog. I've missed it. I can't wait to see your new house on Monday! Sophie is such a cutie and her party looks like so much fun! I think every baby goes through the tantrum phase, the joy of them not being able to communicate their emotions. Ha ha. I feel ya on that one. We will see you on Monday!

Sierra said...

What an eventful few weeks!!! She is so adorable and I can't beleive she is two already. I love your new house and the decorations. You are so creative :-)

And congrats on the missionary. That is one of the best feelings in the world!