Tuesday, October 22, 2013

First Field-trip

Sophie's Preschool went to black island farms for a field trip.  Sophie, although until now she didn't know what a field trip was, she was super excited anyway.  We got there at 10 and waited for the rest of her classmates.  First we rode the tractor/wagon out to the pumpkin fields.  We stopped out there and went to pick our pumpkins.  Sophie found two cute round ones!  

We took our pumpkins to the car and Sophie was so sad thinking we were leaving.  So she was extra pleased to go back.  She loves her friends in her class and especially loves her fun teachers!    

Next we went to play and she was so excited about everything!  We checked out the animals.  We saw some llama things with crazy mop-top hair and she made me laugh when she said that the "cow" (aka llama) had hair like dads!  Kale said it must be time for a haircut.   

Sophie especially loves climbing up the hay bales/rope for the slides.  Her boots weren't the best choice and came off a time or two.  It was such a nice day - we were glad for the warm weather.

Sophs loved the slides.  She liked the big slide the best and it had some speed bumps that always made her laugh.

We went to the bounce house but it was crowded and she bumped her head on someone so we didn't stay there long.  We went to the sandbox that had corn kernels instead of sand.  She liked it and made some snow angels.

Her favorite activity of the day was the tractor that pulled the little cows/pigs.  She only got to go on it once though and then the battery died and she was SO SAD.  We waited to see if they could fix it but they couldn't.

She played some instruments and liked to run and play.  It was a really fun field trip day!