Today we had our doctor's appointment. Sophie weighed 9lb 3oz (birth weight 8lb 3oz, discharge weight 7lb 12oz). That puts her in the 90th percentile. Her height was almost 22inches (20in at birth), which is 95th percentile. She had to get her heel pricked for PKU, she didn't like that. Otherwise all was well. She still has eye boogers and the doctor said she could have that for months until her tear ducts mature. I asked about the mark on her forehead between her eyes. He said it was a birth mark that will lighten, and that it's very common, and they call it an angel kiss. You can look at pictures from the delivery and you can see it really well. I think that's kinda cool, and I'm glad it will lighten.
Can you believe we've gone through over 250 newborn size diapers!?! We have a few left then we're going to break into my stash of size ones. I can't wait until she gets big enough to fit into my cloth diaper stash...
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